Tuesday, 24 March 2015

How to Develop Reading Habit in Your Children

How to Develop Reading Habit in Your Children
Karthika Gopalakrishnan

Karthika Gopalakrishnan is Project Manager at the Book Lovers’ Program for Schools. She has worked previously as a journalist and a sub-editor with The Times Of India and The New Indian Express, Chennai. She loves books and runs a free beach-side library on Sundays.
I teach at DAV Public School, Velachery three days a week as a part of my work with the Book Lovers' Program for Schools (BLPS). Ours is a company that gets children from classes I to VIII to love to read. Each school that works with BLPS devotes a class once a week to storytelling, discussions about books, and activities revolving around books.

Achyuth, one of my students from class VIII, is among the best readers at the school. I spoke to his mother about his reading habit. She told me that ever since he was a child, Achyuth and his mother would get on a bus and travel to a library whenever he had a holiday. "Now, if I give him a book, he finishes reading it in a day. His father downloads ebooks for him and tells him to read slowly so that his father has some time to find and download another book for him."

There are a lot of ways that you can get your child to read. One of the first things to do is to give your child access to lots of books. These could be of any genre: animal stories, adventure, mystery, folk tales, fairy tales and so on. It's important to expose your child to a range of books at his or her reading level. By reading level, I mean just that a child should be able to read a book independently and understand the content correctly. Allow your child to tell you which of the books he or she is comfortable reading. Once children tell you about their choices a few times, you will be able to figure out what types of books to pick for them. A best case scenario is for children themselves to select the books that they want to read.

Discussing a book that your child has read provides an added boost. Your child will finish reading the book knowing that there will be an audience that is interested in his or her opinions. Often, the thought process that a book can trigger in a child's mind can surprise you.
This next step may be hard but you should try your absolute best to go through with it as a parent: don't impose your tastes in books on your child. You may think that Geronimo Stilton is nowhere near as interesting as Georgina Kirrin (or George from The Famous Five series of books by Enid Blyton) but if your child prefers Geronimo, do let your child be. It's great that he or she is reading a book. Time will spur them to discover other, possibly better, books and authors.

Make reading a family activity. Allow your child to see the people around him or her reading. You could be reading newspapers, magazines, non-fiction, biographies, or any other sort of book, if not fiction. Give books a visible presence in your house. Make them a part of your child's life. Birthday gifts, return gifts, visits to book stores, trips to the library during the summer holidays are wonderful ways to instil and build a love for books in your child that lasts for life.

Classrooms are changing

Classrooms are changing

Teaching is getting more hands-on

A grade two classroom in an international school resembles an electronic goods service centre. In the midst of a dismantled rice cooker, cooler, central processing unit and DVD players, some seven and eight-year-olds are trying to understand the concepts behind these appliances.

In another school, students in science classes are encouraged to grow plants to understand the process of germination.
In yet another school, students conduct interviews and collate information on their favourite sport and plot the same on bar graphs to get a better idea of bar graphs. Inviting its young students to be creators, a school near Sarjapura is planning to earmark a 2,500 sq ft in its premises called ‘Maker’s Space’ where they can create whatever they want using textiles, paper, hardware and metals.

Trying new things

As teaching concepts have been evolving, several schools are trying out different things with teaching getting more hands-on and teachers playing the role of facilitators. Restricted to schools teaching IB curriculum where the syllabus is decided by the teacher based on the broader curriculum, these concepts have been adapted by other schools too to make classroom learning exciting and also interesting.

For children whose parents intend to move abroad, such classrooms help, said the representative of an international school.

How it helps

Speaking on the importance of changing trends in classrooms, Shannon McMahon, Primary Year Programme Coordinator at Stonehill International School, says, “It is important that students have the chance to construct and apply their understanding and knowledge to real-life situations. This needs to go beyond paper and pencil knowledge, instead addressing concepts, situations and scenarios that students will encounter throughout their lives.”

Mr. McMahon moved to Bengaluru from Australia two years ago.

With the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) system put in place by both State and CBSE schools becoming widely popular, the traditional method of teaching and rote learning has given way to practical learning.

The changes, however, are not being brought into classrooms randomly. Teachers are taking online courses offered by various universities in the West to understand tech integration and bring in the spirit of enquiry in young minds.
Fresh outlook

Several schools in India are investing on human resources by hiring teachers and principals of different nationalities.

In this context, Bengaluru, which has several international schools where a number of expats are enrolled, has emerged as an important destination.

Such teachers have brought along with them successful teaching concepts from their countries, influencing the way classes are conducted here.

Simon McCloskey from United Kingdom says, “Many of us look at international teaching as an opportunity to enrich our experience after coming into contact with several cultures. From our end, we add value to the culture (host country).”

Mr. McCloskey is the principal of the primary section of Stonehill International School. In his 18-year career, India is the sixth country he is teaching in.

IIT - JEE Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Entrance Examination

Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Entrance Examination, IIT-JEE, (Syllabus) IIT-JEE Exam, IIT - JEE Previous Years Papers

       IIT-JEE - 2012 | IIT-JEE - 2012 Syllabus | IIT-JEE - 2012 Apply Online | IIT-JEE - 2012 Admit Card | IIT-JEE - 2012 Eligibility

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Indian Institue of Technology Kharagpur
Indian Institue of Technology Madras
Indian Institue of Technology Roorkee
Indian Institue of Technology Guwahati

 - 2012

The Indian Institutes of Technology (popularly known as IITs) are institutions of national importance established through an Act of Parliament for fostering excellence in education. There are fifteen IITs at present, located in Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Mandi, Mumbai, Patna, Ropar and Roorkee. Over the years IITs have created world class educational platforms dynamically sustained through internationally recognized research based on excellent infrastructural facilities. The faculty and alumni of IITs continue making huge impact in all sectors of society, both in India and abroad. Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University (IT-BHU), Varanasi and Indian School of Mines (ISM), Dhanbad, are amongst the oldest institutions in India and are known for their immense contributions towards society at large and for science and technology in particular.
The primary objectives of these institutions are to:
  • Build a solid foundation of scientific and technical knowledge and thus to prepare competent and motivated engineers and scientists
  • Create environment for freedom of thought, cultivate vision, encourage growth, develop personality and self-discipline for pursuit of excellence
  • Kindle entrepreneurial streak

Schedule of IIT-JEE 2012

The examination will be held on Sunday, April 8, 2012 as per the schedule given below:
Paper 1: 09.00 to 12.00 hrs (IST)Paper 2: 14.00 to 17.00 hrs (IST)
The schedule will remain unaltered even if the above date is declared a public holiday.

Type of Examination

There will be two question papers, each of three hours duration. Both the question papers will consist of three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The questions will be of objective type, designed to test comprehension, reasoning and analytical ability of candidates.
The answers for each of the questions are to be marked on a separate, specially designed, machine-gradable sheet of paper (ORS – Optical Response Sheet). While answering each of the questions the candidate is expected to darken the bubble(s) against correct answer(s) using black ball point pen only. In some sections, incorrect answers may be awarded negative marks.

Important Dates

Start of Online application process
October 31, 2011
Closing of Online application process
December 10, 2011
Start of Offline OMR Application Forms sale at Bank Branches
November 11, 2011
Close of Offline OMR Application Forms sale
December 5, 2011
Last date of receipt completed IIT-JEE 2012 Application Form
December 15, 2011
IIT-JEE 2012 examination day
April 8, 2012
Declaration of Results
May 18, 2012
Online filling of CHOICES open to ALL the qualified candidates
Saturday to Sunday
May 19-June 10, 2012
Last date for receiving category certificates
June 1, 2012
Architecture/Design Aptitude Test
June 3, 2012
Medical examination and counselling for qualified PD Candidates (the schedule will be announced on the IIT websites)
Monday to Wednesday
June 4-6, 2012
Last date for receiving admission form and medical certificate at zonal IITs
June 8, 2012
Web Release of First Course Allotment
June 14, 2012
Web Release of Second Course Allotment
June 25, 2012
Web Release of Third Course Allotment

(Syllabus) IIT-JEE Exam

Indian Institutes of Technology
Joint Entrance Examination, IIT-JEE - 2012



o    Physics

o    Chemistry

o    Mathematics

o    Aptitude Test

·         (Exam Papers) IIT - JEE Previous Years Papers

o    IIT-JEE Exam Paper : 2007

o    IIT-JEE Exam Paper : 2008

o    IIT-JEE Exam Paper : 2009

o    IIT-JEE Exam Paper : 2010

o    IIT-JEE Exam Paper : 2011

 Mock Test for Practicing of Computer Based Examination of JEE (Main) 2014

        Mock Test for Practicing of Computer Based Examination of JEE (Main) 2014

Mock Test for Practicing of Computer Based Examination of JEE (Main) 2014   |   Test 1   |   Test 2   |   Test 3   |   Test 4

Filed under: JEE Question PapersJEE2014Mock Test for JEE2014
NOVEMBER 2, 2013 • 4:39 PM 0

JEE Question Papers & Answers

 JEE-2007 Paper – II with Answers

JEE(Main) 2014
Mock Test for Practicing of Computer Based Examination of JEE (Main) 2014   |   Test 1   |   Test 2   |   Test 3   |   Test 4
Previous Year Papers   |   AIPMT   |   AIEEE   |   Proficiency Test   |   CTET

AIPMT: AIPMT 2014 Syllabus,Previous Years Paper:

AIPMT: AIPMT 2014 Syllabus,Previous Years Paper:

(AIPMT) About Examination

Submitted by guru on Wed, 12/28/2011 – 11:42

All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination (AIPMT)

In compliance with the directive of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi, would be conducting the All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination, 2012. This entrance examination is being conducted exclusively for the 15% merit positions for the Medical/Dental Colleges of India as specified in the directive of the court and will be governed by the rules and regulations specified for the same by the Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare from time to time. The responsibility of the CBSE is limited to the conduct of the entrance examination, declaration of result and providing merit list to the DGHS as per their instructions. The counselling for successful candidates is conducted by the DGHS. During counselling, the eligibility criteria, various documents, etc. of the candidate is verified and Medical/Dental College is allotted to the candidate according to the choice.

The entrance examination consists of:

Preliminary Examination: The Preliminary Examination would consist of one paper containing 200 objective type questions (four options with single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) to be answered on the specially designed machine-gradable sheet using Ball Point Pen only. The duration of paper would be 3 hours.
Final Examination: (Only for those who qualify in the Preliminary Examination). The Final Examination would consist of one paper containing 120 objective type questions (four options with single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) to be answered on the specially designedmachine-gradable sheet using Ball Point Pen only. The duration of paper would be 3 hours.
AIPMT 2014 Syllabus: new

·         Biology

·         Physics

·         Chemistry

AIPMT 2012 Syllabus:

Answer Keys & Solutions:

Previous Years Paper:

Previous Years Full Papers

All India Pre-Medical / Pre-Dental Entrance Test, AIPMT 2014

AIPMT 2014 Examination
AIPMT Solved/Unsolved Papers


AIPMT 2013

AIPMT Sample Papers

AIPMT Sample Papers


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