Rural women's e-paper wins German award for activism

Rural women's e-paper wins German award for activism
A little-known weekly e-paper ‘Khabar Lahariya’, brought out by a group of women journalists living in rural areas, has won a German award for best online activism. 

Khabar Lahariya was given ‘The Bobs (best of online activism) special Global Media Forum award’ by Deutshe Welle. 

“It is really encouraging to receive the award. It recognises the efforts of women living in rural Uttar Pradesh and Bihar,” said Poorvi Bhargava, editorial coordinator for the newspaper. 

Khabar Lahariya is an eight-page weekly e-paper published by a group of 40 rural women journalists. 

The newspaper publishes about 6,000 copies which get distributed across 600 villages of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
It has readership of about 80,000 per week. “We cover the stories related to the local issues, which affect people,” Bhargava said. 

Khabar Lahariya has its roots in Bundelkhand, a region ridden with poverty, low literacy rates, skewed sex ratio, high gender and caste-based violence and poor health education and employment, according to the newspaper’s portal. 

“Our NGO has been working for women empowerment. While we were working for upliftment of women in areas of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, we were asked by these women to give voice to their efforts. That is why we started the newspaper and last year the web portal,“ Bhargava said. 

Source | Mumbai Mirror | 2 July 2014

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