Thursday, 18 July 2019

Congratulations to Shruti Pund 12th class 2018 -19 student of KVSC, Pune has scored 503 out of 720 in NEET Exam 2019 and secured a seat @ RCSM Government Medical College, Kolhapur.

Congratulations to Shruti Pund 12th class 2018 -19 student of KVSC, Pune has scored 503 out of 720 in NEET Exam 2019 and secured a seat @ RCSM Government Medical College, Kolhapur.
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Pund (Shruti's Parent) and to KVSC Team.
Proud of you Shruti... God Bless you. All the Best for your new Journey towards your New Destination.

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Prize Distribution Of Reader's Club Activities conducted during "Reading Day and Reading Month Celebration" Congratulations to all the Participants and Prize Winners

Prize Distribution Of Reader's Club Activities conducted during "Reading Day and Reading Month Celebration"
Congratulations to all the Participants and Prize Winners

Reading Day and Reading Month Celebration 2019-20 :a) "Reading Pledge" b)"One Nation Reading Together Program for half an hour"

"Reading Pledge" taken by all the students and teachers with our Honorable Principal Smt Snehal Marathe and Vice-Principal Shri Mangal Swaroop followed by Kvsclibrary Pune under Reader's Club Activities of KVSC LIBRARY, Pune

"One Nation Reading Together Program for half an hour" on the occasion of Reading Day and Reading Month Celebration 2019-20 @

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

June 19 to be observed as Reading Day & 19th June to 18th July as Reading Month 2019-20 celebration @kvsclibrarypune

"Reading Day and Reading Month Celebration 2019-20": 
1) Book Review Writting Competition amongst the classes 10th ABCD , 11th ABC &12th ABC 
2)Book Jacket Designing Competition amongst the classes 8th ABCD & 9th ABCD
3) Book Mark Making Competition amongst the classes 6th ABCD & 7ABCD
These activities were conducted @ Kvsclibrarypune

Reading Day and Reading Month Celebration 2019: special program in Assembly @ Kvsclibrarypune

Judgement Analysis of Exhibits of Reading Month Celebrations @ Kvsclibrary Pune: challenge for Judges

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आंतरराष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस निमित्त आयोजित ऑनलाईन प्रश्नमंजुषा २१ फेब्रुवारी, २०२५

पी एम श्री केंद्रीय विद्यालय सीमा सुरक्षा दल चाकूर ग्रंथालय विभाग 🌍 आंतरराष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिन  🌍 आंतरराष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस  निमित्त आयो...