Friday, 4 July 2014

HC says new institutes can participate in CAP round

HC says new institutes can participate in CAP round

AURANGABAD: A recent Bombay high court interim order has paved the way for some new engineering colleges, which had sought approval from All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) but were rejected by the state government, to participate in the Centralized Admission Process (CAP) round for first year engineering. 

Any new institute is required to comply with AICTE norms to operate. The institutes can directly approach the body without taking prior approval from the state government. 

However, with a large number of first year engineering seats lying vacant for the last couple of years and the increase in the intake capacities of institutes, the state government had made a provision to reject and stop any new college from operation and participating in the admission process even after securing the AICTE approval. 

The court order dated July 1, a copy of which is with the TOI, states that taking an overall view of the matter, at this stage, in the interest of students, as well as, the institute, "this court be pleased to direct the respondents to upload the petitioner's name for the CAP and be allowed to participate in CAP round and /or Minority Admission Procedure, for the academic year 2014-15 for the engineering courses..." 

The order further states that "non-listing of the Petitioners institute/name on the AICTE website will not affect the admission process and implementation of prayer clause (c)."

Mahesh Shivankar, joint director of technical education (administration), said, "Some institutes in the state had approached the high court requesting that they be allowed to participate in the admission process as they had the necessary approval of the AICTE. As many as 12 new institutes from Aurangabad, which were among the petitioners, will benefit from the high court order." The next date of hearing is scheduled onJuly 11.

Note | Bombay High Court Judgement is attached herewith

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