Friday, 4 August 2017

Time Management Tips

Time Management Tips

New academic session has started. You must have studied that "slow and steady wins the race". The same applies here too. Steady study plan is much much better and effective than the last month study of 12 hours. You have a complete year and a number of activities to perform. Proper time management skill is the key demand of the hour. We provide you seven effective time management tips to prepare you for any battle that comes in your way it semester exams, formative test, olympiads or any other competitive exams.

1. Use the weekly planner: Organize your study on a weekly basis. Plan your weekly schedule every Sunday evening and adjust it daily. 

2. Book the firm activities first: Block off class time, work time, and any other pre-determined weekly activities. Also schedule the essentials such as sleep, eating, and relaxation (fun and exercise). 

3. Schedule short study sessions before and after lectures: Set aside 20 minutes each to preview the textbook before the lecture and to quickly check your notes after the lecture. This will save hours of study time later on. 

4. Avoid marathon study sessions: Break down your study sessions into one-hour segments with 50 minutes of study and 10-minute breaks. Alternate subjects if you have scheduled consecutive hours. 

5. Use a timer: A countdown timer is a great tool to help you concentrate for intensive study and to trim down your non-productive hours. 

6. Arrange peak hours for core study: In time, you will learn your best study hours of the day. Use them for core study activities that require high concentration, such as reviewing lecture notes and reading the textbook. 

7. Allow flexibility: Leave room for the unexpected and plan for the unplanned. Set aside open time on your planner for this.

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