Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Books will still be the primary source of information

Books will still be the primary source of information: Expert  S.R. Ranganathan’s work in Library Science lauded

“Revolution in the IT sector has made it possible to access information from various sources other than books. However, technological advancement will never minimise the role of books as the primary source of information,” said Library Science consultant K.N. Prasad of Bengaluru.
Delivering the Parvathamma Hombal endowment lecture, ‘The role of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan in the growth of public libraries’, on the occasion of the Library Day programme at Karnatak Vidyavardhak Sangha here recently, Mr. Prasad said: “Information acquired from books will be inclusive in nature because the process of reading foster the process of thinking and reasoning”.
Referring to the role played by the legendary librarian S.R. Ranganathan, he said that the country was highly indebted to him as far as public libraries and Library Science is concerned.
“He was so much committed to the cause of the libraries. Whatever knowledge that he had acquired in this field, he applied it for the growth of libraries and Library Science in post-independent India,” he said and recollected his association with Ranganathan on this occasion.
Mallikarjun N. Moolimani, librarian at the Government First Grade College of Bidi in Khanapur taluk of Belagavi district, was felicitated on this occasion.
Tributes were paid to S. R. Ranganathan on the occasion.
Information acquired from books will be inclusive in nature because the process of reading foster the process of thinking and reasoning
K.N. Prasad,
Library Science consultant

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