Sunday, 30 January 2022

Online "Poet Meet" and "Poetry Reading" Event @ KVSC LIBRARY PUNE during 100 Days Reading Champaign 2022.

I have Conducted Online "Poet Meet" and "Poetry Reading" Event @ KVSC LIBRARY PUNE during 100 Days Reading Champaign 2022.

I would like to express my gratitude to Smt Ranjana Fattepurkar & Shri Vijay Singh Siwach Sir for accepting our invitation & for their valuable contribution in grand success of the said event.
I would like to Thanks My School Authority and My Collogues for their strong support.
I would like to Thank All the event Participants of Poetry Reading from Primary & secondary classes. I would like to express my gratitude to all the Parents for supporting me directly and Indirectly to smooth conduct of the event & to reach these heights..
I was surprised to see spontaneous presentations of child poets from my school "Kendriya Vidyalaya Southern Command, Pune",
I thought of such programs may leave some footmarks to overcome with born of child poets from my school. All the Students and Parents they have witnessed how new child poets number raised during the even celebration..
This Program was planned for 40 mins only but it went on 1 hour 20 mins. It was difficult to conclude it due to spontaneous responses.

This post is not yet completed. I will get back to you with Complete video of the same. 

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