Tuesday, 10 May 2022

National Technology Day 2022: Why it is celebrated? Know its importance and this year's theme

 National Technology Day 2022:The term 'National Technology Day' was coined by then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Bajpayee. Scroll to know more about it.

New Delhi | Jagran Lifestyle Desk: Technology is only advancing day by day and Indians have always made huge contributions to the advancement of Tech with great inventions. So, to mark India's progress in the field of science and technology National Technology Day is celebrated on May 11th annually. The day also marks the anniversary of the Pokhran Nuclear Tests (Operation Shakti) under the leadership of aerospace engineer and President APJ Abdul Kalam. After its successful test, then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Bajpayee coined the term 'National Technology Day'.

National Technology Day 2022: Significance and History

National Technology Day was first observed on 11th May 1999. While on 11th May 1998, India, at the Indian Army’s Pokhran Test Range in Rajasthan conducted three successful nuclear tests under Operation Shakti. Following this, two more nuclear tests were conducted on 13th May and the tests were conducted under the administration of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam.

On 11th May 1999, the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee declared the significant achievement of the country. And since then, the Technology Development Board honours the scientists and engineers as well as their technological inventions that have considerably added some value to the growth of India.

On this day in 1998, India was capable of developing Thermonuclear weapons and fission bombs. Adding more significance to the day, India’s first-ever indigenous aircraft Hansa-1, took flight and the DRDO also tested the surface-to-air Trishul Missile. Meanwhile, on this day every year Technology Development Board of India awards individuals with a National Award for their contribution to the field of science and technology. On this occasion, engineering colleges across India conduct programs to support scientific endeavours and promote interest among students.

National Technology Day 2022: Theme

The theme for 2022 National Technology Day is “Integrated Approach in Science & Technology for Sustainable Future”. The theme was launched by Union Minister Jitendra Singh.


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