Saturday, 26 November 2022

CONSTITUTION DAY ONLINE QUIZ 2022-23 @ Kendriya Vidyalaya Southern Command Library, Pune

Constitution Day (or Samvidhan Divas), also known as National Law Day, is celebrated in India on 26 November every year to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India. On 26 November 1949, the Constituent Assembly of India adopted the Constitution of India.

The Indian Constitution is the world’s longest-written constitution which provides an excellent framework for governing the world’s largest democracy. It nurtures the aspirations of its citizens and is a true living Constitution in as much as it gives the widest possible amplitude for the realization of both individual liberties and desires and at the same time enforces the need for collective growth and development. As we celebrate seventy-three years of this remarkable document for social, political, and economic development which has informed almost every aspect of Indian life, it is important to create awareness amongst the Indian citizens about the Constitution and its special features, particularly Fundamental Duties, as enshrined in the Constitution.
A Quiz Competition is being organized by Kendriya Vidyalaya Southern Command Library, Pune to make all the students and Teachers aware of their duties and follow them.
Terms and Conditions:
1. All Participants will receive a participation certificate.
2. One entrant can participate only once. Multiple entries from the same entrant will not be considered and will be discarded.
3. The quiz will be available for all contestants for a period of 5 minutes [300 seconds], in which they have to answer 10 multiple-choice-based questions.
4. You will be required to provide your name & correct email address to receive an e-Certificate.

Click here to Attend Quiz 

Ms. Sucheta Chandanshive,

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