Sunday, 10 March 2024

10 Savitribai Phule facts: The lady who changed the face of women's rights in India


On her 127th Death Anniversary, we remember the lady who changed the face of the rights of women in India. Here are a few things to know about Savitribai Phule

Savitribai Phule was born in a family of farmers in Naigaon, Maharashtra. She played an important role in improving women's conditions and became the pioneer of women's education in the country.

1. Savitribai Phule is hailed as India's one of the first modern feminists.

2. Married at the tender age of nine, she fought against social evils like child marriage and sati pratha.

3. She laid emphasis on educating women and along with her husband, Jyotirao Phule, she opened the first school for girls in India. They together went on to open 18 schools for girls.

4. She not only worked for women's rights but also championed the cause of fighting against the practice of corrupt caste system.

5. She opening up a well for the untouchables in her own house was an act resulting from her vehement defiance to untouchability and her compassion for the outcast.

6. Savitribai Phule was not just a social reformer but also a philosopher and a poet. Her poetry mostly revolved around nature, education and the abolition of caste system.

7. She observed the miserable conditions of pregnant rape victims and therefore, along with her husband, opened a care centre "Balhatya Pratibandhak Griha".

8. In order to reduce the miseries of the widows, she organised and led a strike against the barbers to dissuade them from shaving the heads of the widows which was a norm back in those days.

9. In order to encourage students to study and reduce the drop-out rate, she used to give stipends to children for attending school.

10. At a time when caste system was embedded in Indian society, she promoted inter-caste marriages. She along with her husband founded the Satyashodhak samaj which used organise marriages without a priest and dowry.

The Phule couple was honored by the government for their commendable efforts in the field of education. Truly, Savitribai Phule was a lady ahead of her time.


Saturday, 9 March 2024

Savitribai Phule Death Anniversary: Facts About India’s First Female Teacher

 SAVITRIBAI PHULE DEATH ANNIVERSARY: Regarded as India’s first feminist icon, Savitribai Phule was a key figure in the social reform movement, particularly in Maharashtra. Savitribai, widely regarded as the first woman teacher in India, along with her husband Jyotirao founded India’s first girls’ school. She fought casteism and patriarchy and spoke about the need for education for girls. The educationist and poetess also wrote verses against discrimination, caste atrocities and child marriage.

She dedicated her life to women’s rights and education and her legacy continues to inspire millions today. Savitribai died of the bubonic plague at the age of 66. On her death anniversary today, here are some significant facts about the social reformer, thinker and activist:


The Central Board of Secondary Education will conduct the 19th edition of Central Teacherligibility Test (CTET) on 07-07-2024 (Sunday)

 The Central Board of Secondary Education will conduct the 19th edition of Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) on 07-07-2024 (Sunday). 

The aspiring candidates have to apply online only through CTET website The online application process will start from 07/03/2024. The last date for submitting online application is 02/04/2024 (11:59 PM).

CBSE Public Notice: Central Teacher Eligibility Test


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