Saturday, 9 March 2024

Savitribai Phule Death Anniversary: Facts About India’s First Female Teacher

 SAVITRIBAI PHULE DEATH ANNIVERSARY: Regarded as India’s first feminist icon, Savitribai Phule was a key figure in the social reform movement, particularly in Maharashtra. Savitribai, widely regarded as the first woman teacher in India, along with her husband Jyotirao founded India’s first girls’ school. She fought casteism and patriarchy and spoke about the need for education for girls. The educationist and poetess also wrote verses against discrimination, caste atrocities and child marriage.

She dedicated her life to women’s rights and education and her legacy continues to inspire millions today. Savitribai died of the bubonic plague at the age of 66. On her death anniversary today, here are some significant facts about the social reformer, thinker and activist:


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