Monday, 28 September 2015

How to Remove Shortcut Virus from PC or USB in One Minute

What is Shortcut Virus ?

Shortcut Virus is an modern virus which automatically comes in your USB, Computer and SD Cards and it’s start creating shortcut.exe files and replace that file with your files and folders. it’s also Hide visible Content for users.
Inline image 1
There will two type of shortcut virus :-
1) Flash Drive Short Virus
2) File and Folder Shortcut Virus
how it’s comes to your PC or USB Device??
The shortcut virus comes from third party software’s , internet, USB storage and many more sources . for example if you will connect your USB or Pen Drive to another computer for transfer data and you don’t know is that PC already infected by shortcut virus then that is the way to shortcut virus comes.

How to Remove Shortcut Virus from USB/PC

whenever you try to remove any virus first step will for all is full scan your device either it will be Internal or external. So here you need to scan your PC and USB device before applying any techniques to remove shortcut virus.
Method 1 : How to Remove Shortcut Virus Using CMD/ Command Prompt ?
you already try to remove shortcut virus through antivirus but the files are not removed . if you want to solve this problem in 1 Minuit then follow below step and remove shortcut virus from your Laptop or USB.
  1. first all open CMD (command prompt) – go to start menu, “run” and “type cmd”
  2. now write below command in cmd terminal :
     attrib -h -r -s /s /d Name_Drive:*.*
     attrib Name_Drive:*.* /d /s -h -r -s
here Replace the Name_Drive with actual drive letter, for ex : if you want to remove shortcut virus from f drive then type 
attrib f:*.* /d /s -h -r -s
remove Shortcut Virus using cmd
3. after type the above command hit enter button
4. now you can check that specific drive file folder is normal now because all shortcut file folder delete .
Method 2 :  Using USB Fix Software
This is the best software to remove shortcut virus from USB or HDD or form PC very Quickly. this is just 4 MB software and it’s easy trick and most trusted software. you have to follow 5 step and you are done.
How to Remove Shortcut Virus from PC or USB in One Minute. (2015, September 23). Retrieved September 26, 2015, from 

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