Sunday, 9 August 2020

e-Raksha : Online Safety Awareness Challenge for students and teachers

eRaksha 2020

 The idea behind the eRaksha Competition, is to provide a platform to netizens to share tips and strategies on:
  • How to be Safe & Responsible Netizens 
  • How to address Fake News and Misinformation especially with regard to COVID-19
Where on one end technological innovations are adding value to our lives and making it easier, there has also opened up a diverse set of risks which were unfathomable a few years ago. We have been involved in various awareness campaigns over the last couple of years, and we learned that almost every second internet user has had an unpleasant experience online, creating an urgent need to build resilience.

Cyber Peace Foundation has launched e-Raksha Contest in collaboration with NCERT is organising various competitions on the theme "Online Safety". 
The Contest is open to the school students and in-service teachers across government & private schools and student teachers from RIEs, DIETs & Departments of Education in the universities. Through awareness and resilience, we can deal with these growing problems.
Presenting the eRaksha Competition 2020, the first competition in the world focusing exclusively on Digital Citizenship and Online Safety and tackling Fake News & Misinformation.

Last Date for Registration : 30th September 2020
Competitions :
ArtCade - 
Send in drawings, painting, comics, memes, stickers and even comic strips. The theme for the competitions is Digital Citizenship and Online Safety. You may choose any topic related to this, such as privacy, safety, trolling, security tips, online fraud, bullying, phishing, vishing, malware etc. Please make sure that the only text your posters have is the caption.
Tech Avishkar  - You can create:
Software* (Mobile apps/Web app /Source Coding)
Hardware** (Innovative Device/Module Development )
Firmware*** (Software Controlled Devices, Appliances, etc.)
Word Hack - You can send in short stories (only for Category 1, refer to guidelines), essays (only for Category 1, refer to guidelines), articles, blogs and research papers (for Categories 2 &3). The theme for the competitions is Digital Citizenship and Online Safety. 
Screen Master - Let out the director in you and create an original video in the form of a short movies/awareness videos/ songs/ satires/ parodies/ documentaries and interviews with a strong message (aligning with the theme of the competition – Digital Citizenship & Online Safety) that would last forever in the minds of those who watch it. 

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