Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Read India Celebration 2021


Read India Celebration (RIC) an event for the schools (3rd academic reading, problem solving may participate in Read India 
 Register first at https://readindia.info/cms/student  Read—Read a book or
 Submit a small task The last date for student registration submission is Sep15th, 2021. The details are available at the  India Celebration 2021 in three simple steps 
  The website-https://readindia.info. encourage students to participate in the aforesaid competition

Read India Celebration 2021 is a unique opportunity for Schools & Colleges to engage students in a transformative non-academic reading and leadership campaign

Reading is crucial to personal growth as it exposes individuals to the ideas, philosophies, and practices of some of the greatest minds across the globe. Several Business leaders believe that deep, broad reading helps cultivate the knowledge, habits, and talents needed to improve their organizations. The leadership benefits of reading are wide-ranging. Reports suggest reading can improve intelligence and lead to innovation and insight.

There is a well-established connection between reading, leadership & success that exists worldwide. Raghuram Ananthoj is a visionary with the mission to encourage students to pursue practical reading alongside academic learning that fosters independent thinking & innovation. With the mission to create future trailblazing leaders, he started the Read India Celebration Initiative. 

Leading Self and Republic Media Network proudly launch The Read India Celebration 2021, an exclusive book reading & leadership initiative that will spark independent ideas in the minds of young Indians. Read India Celebration 2021 is a unique opportunity for Schools (5th to 12th grade) & Colleges (Degree & PG) to engage students in a transformative non-academic reading and leadership experience. The initiative focuses on three main aspects - Read, Think & Act. It encourages students to pursue reading as a habit that helps them develop an unconventional thought process, diverse opinions & become future leaders. 

Here's how students can participate: 

  • Register at https://readindia.info/cms/student-register
  • Read a book/ research on the proposed topic 
  • Submit a one-page summary on the book or research along with an innovative idea to resolve any issue of their choice & a 1 to 2 min video on Read India Celebration experience
  • The last day for students to register is 15th August 2021 & the last day for students to submit their work is 15th Sept 2021.
  • When students adopt a knowledge-based culture, read books, read themselves, think independently & act, they change themselves & eventually transform the nation. Join Read India Celebration International 2021 & express the leader in you. To know more visit,  https://readindia.info/ 



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