Sunday, 1 August 2021

Students Unhappy with Results Will be able to appear in the optional exam,15 August to 15 September


Dissatisfied students of 12th will get One more chance: Students unhappy with results Will be able to appear in the optional exam, 15 August to 15 September exam will be offline.

The results of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) 12th students have been declared today at 2 pm.  This year the result will be released on the basis of objective assessment criteria.  However, CBSE has also given an opportunity to the students who are dissatisfied with this result to appear in the optional examination.

Exam will be held from 15 August to 15 September

 CBSE will conduct an alternative examination for the students who are unhappy with the result released on the basis of the marking scheme decided by the board.  In this regard, the board informed the Supreme Court that it will organize it between August 15 and September 15 when the situation becomes normal.  For this, the board will also provide the facility of online registration to the students.

How to register for the exam? 

Steps for Registration 

1. Students can register online through the official website of the board,

2. The registration window will open after the declaration of the 12th result.

3. This exam will be conducted for main subjects only.

4. The exam will be conducted offline in a centre-based mode.

5. Only the marks obtained in the optional examination will be considered as the final marks of the students.

6. Compartment exams will also be held any time between 15th August to 15th September.

Students will be able to get detailed information related to the optional examination through the official website after the release of the 12th result.

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