Saturday, 20 August 2022

Web Resources for Students

 Web Resources for Students

Listed here are some selected web resources useful for the student community.

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An initiative of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (Ministry of Education, Govt of India). DIKSHA can be accessed by learners and teachers across the country and currently supports 18+ languages and the various curricula of NCERT, CBSE and SCERTs across India.

National Digital Library of India

National Digital Library of India (NDLI) is a virtual repository of learning resources which is not just a repository with search/browse facilities but provides a host of services for the learner community. A good collection of resources for School students are available

CBSE Handbook for Students

A handbook for students by CBSE

CBSE Handbook on 21st Century Skills

A Handbook:Empowering our students with these skills is another challenging task, which the Board is committed to accomplish

Rare Books Society of India

The Rare Book Society of India is the first of its kind - it is a virtual space for rare book collectors and history buffs to read, discuss, rediscover and download lost books. You can read the books online or download for free

National Digital Library of India (NDL India)

National Digital Library of India (NDL India) pilot project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility.


WorldStories is a growing collection of stories from around the world. The collection includes retold traditional tales and new short stories in the languages most spoken by UK children.

LIS-Forum -- Discussion Forum for Library and Information Professionals in India

LIS-Forum is an e-mail based discussion forum for Library and Information professionals in India.

sample question paper

sample question paper of biology for class xii

About Shimla

About Shimla

About New Tehri

About New Tehri Town

Gwaldam; A Hill Station

About Gwaldam

Library Kendriya Vidyalaya No2 Faridabad Blog

This is the educational blog for the users




Webometric Study of the Websites of the Professional Associations Of Library and Information Science in of India

School Library System in India: Challenges, Problems and Suggestions


A Webometric Study of the Websites of the Professional Association of Library and Information Science in India

Webometric Study




FreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping software written in Java.

Swayam : The Learning Platform

On line Courses


Child Protection




HowStuffWorks got its start in 1998 at a college professor's kitchen table. From there, we quickly grew into an award-winning source of unbiased, reliable, easy-to-understand answers and explanations of how the world actually works. Today, our writers, editors, podcasters and video hosts share all the things we're most excited to learn about with ne


comprehensive and useful NCERT guidelines & solutions, concepts given here

Swayam : The Learning Platform

On line Courses


Child Protection




HowStuffWorks got its start in 1998 at a college professor's kitchen table. From there, we quickly grew into an award-winning source of unbiased, reliable, easy-to-understand answers and explanations of how the world actually works. Today, our writers, editors, podcasters and video hosts share all the things we're most excited to learn about with ne


comprehensive and useful NCERT guidelines & solutions, concepts given here captures the most gripping, surprising and fascinating stories about famous people.


This website provides online information and services regarding AIPMT i.e INSTRUCTIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR ON-LINE APPLICATION FORM AIPMT, Candidate Login, Find Registration No. etc.

WinEntrance Portal

A rich information source on entrance exams

Weekly Reader

wonderful reading materials for students reading in the content areas.


VolcanoWorld is an outstanding resource for kids interested in learning about volcanoes work, submarine volcanoes, planetary volcanoes, career information on becoming a volcanologist, volcanic parks and monuments and volcano,exploration on the moon, Mars and Venus.

Visual Math Learning

ree lessons will show you that mathematics is not as difficult to understand as you may have thought, when you learn the subject by visualization instead of memorization.

Provides information on competitive examinations, entrance exams, educational loand, education abroad and admission news


This site gives information on various exam and admission schedules and tips on personality development.

United Nations Cyberschoolbus

Accurate official and up-to-date information and statistics regarding the countries of the world and much more

Time for Kids

Time reading area for kids

The Schools Water Portal

An open, web-based platform for sharing learning resources on water among educators, students, school managements and parents.

The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)

an autonomous organisation in pursuance of National Policy on Education 1986 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development(MHRD), Government of India. NIOS is providing a number of Vocational, Life Enrichment and community oriented courses besides General and Academic Courses at Secondary and Senior Secondary level.

Stroms, Atmosphere, Lakes, Oceans etc for Students

Provides information and activity books

Stories for children

This site offers classic fairy tale stories by the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen and Charles Perrault, going on to the morally edifying fables of Aesop and Jean de La Fontaine, and ending with the wisdom, gathered by the people: the folktales from different parts of the world.

Solar System

Build a solar system


A networking site for book lovers. Create a virtual books shelf , discuss great works of literature.

Shakespeare Online

Rad every play or poem from the world's most celebrated writer and, more importantly, make some sense of his works with free analysis, Old English language translations, and famous quotes

Sciene News for Kids

Science News for Kids (SNK) is an award-winning online publication dedicated to children 9-14, their parents, and their teachers with interesting news stories and features, accompanied by suggestions for hands-on activities, books, articles, and web resources.

Science With Me!

Science With Me! is a free educational science website for elementary age children. Provides science movies and songs, free science coloring sheets, free science worksheets, fun science projects for kids and stories to help young children learn scientific principles and science the fun way.

Science Made Simple

At Science Made Simple, kids of all ages can get detailed answers to many of science's questions, read current news articles related to science, get ideas on school projects, and take advantage of unit conversion tables.


A networking site for book lovers. Create a virtual books shelf , discuss great works of literature.

Shakespeare Online

Rad every play or poem from the world's most celebrated writer and, more importantly, make some sense of his works with free analysis, Old English language translations, and famous quotes

Sciene News for Kids

Science News for Kids (SNK) is an award-winning online publication dedicated to children 9-14, their parents, and their teachers with interesting news stories and features, accompanied by suggestions for hands-on activities, books, articles, and web resources.

Science With Me!

Science With Me! is a free educational science website for elementary age children. Provides science movies and songs, free science coloring sheets, free science worksheets, fun science projects for kids and stories to help young children learn scientific principles and science the fun way.

Science Made Simple

At Science Made Simple, kids of all ages can get detailed answers to many of science's questions, read current news articles related to science, get ideas on school projects, and take advantage of unit conversion tables.

Science for Kids

Learn more about the amazing world of science by enjoying our fun science experiments, cool facts, online games, free activities, ideas, lesson plans, photos, quizzes, videos & science fair projects.


Sci4Kids gives you ideas for science projects, interesting facts about science and agriculture, information on how to be a scientist and more...


A portal designed by The National Mission on Education through ICT, supports self learning through virtual classes and testing services. Provides teacher empowerment programmes, resources like ebooks, e-journals, open educational resources


Provides you with rhymes, synonyms and definitions of the words. It even gives you the word used in context.


a one-click springboard to many of the Web's top dictionaries, encyclopedias, calculators, atlases, news headlines, and search engines. The site also includes a handy homework helper section that provides help in all subjects to students in every grade

Planet Patrol - Environmental info for kids by kids

Written BY kids FOR kids. Read about the latest environmental technology, fascinating plants and animals and discover how you can make a big difference by doing some really little things.

Pitara Kids Network

A interactive fun filled website for kids under 13 years to learn, play and enjoy. The site contains lots of activities, games, information and more..

A website for Physics with lots of information. Also provides access to a handpicked database of over 7000 physics sites.

PhET - Interactive Siulations

Fun, interactive, research-based simulations of physical phenomena from the PhET� project at the University of Colorado.

Nobel Prize

Know all about Nobel Prize and the Prize Winners

NGDC Educational Resources

National Geophysical Data Centre offers many educational resources.

Kids Learning Center _ Energy

Energy saving practices and living green life

National Geographic

This site is also a very helpful resource for locating information on current scientific work; it also contains information on earlier scientists.

NASA Quest

Web-based, interactive explorations designed to engage students in authentic scientific and engineering processess. It also offers a wide range of FREE online tools and resources for teachers, students, parents and others including Web and print lesson plans, educator guides and workbooks.

NASA Observatorium

Contains many awesome space pictures, and a variety of interactive games with space themes which will engage young students.


Learn about Greek mythological heroes

MSN Encarta

The free MSN Encarta site features more than 4,500 articles pooled from Microsoft Encarta, the award-winning electronic reference library, and comes with dictionaries, maps, fast facts, interactive quizzes, handy homework tools, and more

Covers basic grade-school math, calculus, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. Practice exercises are automatically graded, plus this free site also features a glossary, calculators, homework tips, math games, and lesson plans for teachers.

Mars the Red Planet

A great Web site for young students interested in exploring the planet Mars.


Networking site for book lovers access 695 libraires all over world.


Learn about Greek mythological heroes

MSN Encarta

The free MSN Encarta site features more than 4,500 articles pooled from Microsoft Encarta, the award-winning electronic reference library, and comes with dictionaries, maps, fast facts, interactive quizzes, handy homework tools, and more

Covers basic grade-school math, calculus, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. Practice exercises are automatically graded, plus this free site also features a glossary, calculators, homework tips, math games, and lesson plans for teachers.

Mars the Red Planet

A great Web site for young students interested in exploring the planet Mars.


Networking site for book lovers access 695 libraires all over world.

Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana

Scholarship offered by IISc Bangalore

Free educational Websites For the young, and the young at heart. Educational Activities, Products, Movies, Music, Games, Articles etc.

Kids World Fun

Play games, read and listen to moral short stories, animated stories, poems, rhymes, color pictures, create crafts, online quiz, funny pictures, learn with fun, and other activities.


General knowledge for kids

Joule's Energy Chest

Information and activities on energy studies

Inventions at Play

A playful site for the young to enjoy the playful side of inventions and inventive side of play.


Free Science Quizes: From Politics to Sport, from Wine to Maths. you can now also play Sudoku, Wordz, Snake and Tetris at this website

Information Please Kids Almanac

Provides almanac, atlas, dictionary and encylopedia

India Career

Career Information

How Stuff Works - Learn How Everything Works

This Discovery site provides easy-to-understand explanations of how the world actually works - From car engines to search engines, from cell phones to stem cells, and thousands of subjects in between, as they put it. Is useful for all students.

Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education,TIFR

Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) is a National Centre of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai. The broad goals of the Centre are to promote equity and excellence in science and mathematics education from primary school to undergraduate college level, and encourage the growth of scientific literacy in the country.


A fee website for book lovers. Share the books you liked and get recommendations of books to read


A meeting place for Gandhian students, scholars activitists - News, events, media and research on Mahatma Gandhi, Peace and Nonviolence.


Access a variety of games, activities, science experiments, recipes at this entertainment and educational website.

Site with learning games for students

For Kids Only- Earth Science Enterprise

This site has many interesting activities for young students to learn about various earth science concepts. An interactive online coloring book is a unique feature of this web site.

Focusing on Words

Vocabulary building

Fizzy Funny Fuzzy poet

Poems for students by Gareth Lancaster. You can also listen to some of the poems

FAQ on Global Warming

National Climatic Data Centre, US Department of Commerce provides answers to the frequently asked questions on global warming

Fact Monster

Fact Monster is an ideal reference site for kids ages 8-14 that provides entertainment and educational resources. It combines the contents of an encyclopedia, a dictionary, an atlas, and several almanacs loaded with statistics, facts, and historical records. A single search engine allows you to search all these sources at once.

For Kids Only- Earth Science Enterprise

This site has many interesting activities for young students to learn about various earth science concepts. An interactive online coloring book is a unique feature of this web site.

Focusing on Words

Vocabulary building

Fizzy Funny Fuzzy poet

Poems for students by Gareth Lancaster. You can also listen to some of the poems

FAQ on Global Warming

National Climatic Data Centre, US Department of Commerce provides answers to the frequently asked questions on global warming

Fact Monster

Fact Monster is an ideal reference site for kids ages 8-14 that provides entertainment and educational resources. It combines the contents of an encyclopedia, a dictionary, an atlas, and several almanacs loaded with statistics, facts, and historical records. A single search engine allows you to search all these sources at once.


Standardised tests, study aids, question answers, live classes and study groups to help the students

European Space Agency - Kids Site

Kids Site by European Space Agency with many activities

Environmental Portal and Search Engine

A portal for environment

Environment for Kids

Educational Resources on environment for teachers and students of all levels.

Energy Facts and Games for Kids

Games, tips and facts for saving energy

Employment News

Employment News, published every week, is a good source of information on the variety of jobs and the qualifications required. The weekly also lists many competitive / entrance examinations, and publishes articles on careers.

Electronic Zoo

This Electronic Zoo has a vast amount of resources and various links to the study of the animal kingdom as well the environments in which some they live.


Environmental information for students by TERI


Gives education related news and info from all over the world. online evaluation and grading of students of different classes.Various courses are provided.


See information on current earthquakes.

Earth and Mars Education Modules

Interactive student activities geared towards planet exploration.

Down to Earth

India's leading fortnightly on environment issues published by Society for Environmental Communications. Contact librarian for user name and password.


educational resources for students, teachers and parents, all in one place.

Discovery Channel

Videos, Games, Puzzles, News, Science Information - visit the famous discovery channel website

Cool Science for Curious Kids

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute invites curious kids to explore biology at this Web site. Activities include dust exploration, classifying critters, microscopy, plant parts, and more.

Cool Kids for a Cool Climate

Climate change explained in the simplest way for the kids


It's an excellent tutorial for children learning scientific concepts and how math is integrated into science.

Specialised for CBSE Mathematics but offers question papers in other subjects too.

CBSE Guess Papers

For sample papers, guess papers, cbse related queries and helpline

CBSE Examination Related Materials

Examination related information on CBSE Official Site

Cool Kids for a Cool Climate

Climate change explained in the simplest way for the kids


It's an excellent tutorial for children learning scientific concepts and how math is integrated into science.

Specialised for CBSE Mathematics but offers question papers in other subjects too.

CBSE Guess Papers

For sample papers, guess papers, cbse related queries and helpline

CBSE Examination Related Materials

Examination related information on CBSE Official Site

Career Test

Take a career test whether you are suitable for the career you have in mind

Career Guide

Another useful site providing information on various career options

Career Guidance India

Career Guidance

Career After 12th

Career related information on Institutes, Career choices, scholarships etc.

Bug Bios

This site offers an entomological insect database complete with photos and descriptions.


Browse books under various vategories such as popular, The site offers you organise your collection of books. Top rated, favourite, most discussed etc. It also connects to 300 libraries all over the world. Kids'

Kids site featuring hundreds of games, puzzles and other activities. Play interactive games and imaginative activities, use online coloring books and explore worlds of information.

Biology in Motion

Original, entertaining, interactive biology learning activitie

learn about over 25,000 ofthe greatest lives, past and present, play Who Am I?. Great Books Online

Free literature resources like thousands of poems, reference works like thesaurus, equotations, English usage, fiction, non-fiction etc. Free ebooks

Ask Physics

Ask your doubts on Physics.

Ask An Expert

Connects you with hundreds of real world experts, ranging from astronauts to zookeepers. These experts have volunteered to answer your questions for free. Visit this site to have your questions answered. TechKNOWLEDGEy! is a team of educators, writers, technology specialists and students that produces weekly articles and links demonstrating how online learning can be a safe, fun and adventurous activity. Contain games, videos, ask, kids quest etc.

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