Friday, 6 October 2023

Library Committee:-Session 2023-24


Library Committee:-Session 2023-24


LIBRARY COMMITTEE was constituted on Dt.16/08/2023
S,NO     NAME                                      DESIGNATION                 REMARK

Mrs. Snehal Marathe,                                Principal,                         Chairman

Mrs. Sucheta Chandanshive,                     Librarian                         Secretary

Teachers Members

1. Mrs. Jaimol,                                           PGT-Mathematics

2. H N Joshi,                                              PGT-Hindi

3. Ms. Atiya Shah,                                     PGT-English

4. Mr. Mukesh Purva,                                PGT-Chemistry

5. Mrs. Ujwala,                                          HM

Students Members

1. Ankita Choudhary                                  12 B

2. Anjanya                                                   11 B

3. Priyanka                                                   10 C

4. Krishna                                                     9 D

The first meeting of this session was held in the Library after a gap of 6 years. The last meeting was held on 11th July 2017.
The meeting was held in the Library at 11 a.m. after a gap of 7 years. The last Library Committee was held on 11th Jul 2017.
Most of the teachers were present for the Library committee meeting and student representatives were, only Anjaya class 11 B attended the meeting. Class 9 & 10 students were having holidays so they were not present in the meeting. Last moment Vice Principal Sir called Garima from class for the said meeting. Also, Mrs. Ujwala,H M Madam was busy in a Primary Teachers workshop so not attend the meeting.
Teachers Members
1. Mrs. Jaimol, PGT-Mathematics
2. H N Joshi, PGT-Hindi
3. Ms. Atiya Shah, PGT-English
4. Mr. Mukesh Purva, PGT-Chemistry
Students Members
1. Anjanya 11A
2. Garima 11

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