Wednesday, 27 July 2016



Circular from Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan 
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Circular: CBSE-TERI 'Green Olympiad' - 2016
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Date of Examination: 30 August 2016 AND 22 November 2016
(school can opt for only one of these dates)
  • Registration Form (National)
  • Registration Form (International)
  • Poster
  • Open for students of classes IV - X
  • Sample Questions and Answers Keys
    Level 1 - Class IV-V
    Level 2 - Class V-VIII
    Level 3 - Class IX-X
  • The GREEN Olympiad is designed in an innovative manner to test the knowledge of students in the field of environment and in turn create awareness about issues touching their daily lives. This annual initiative reaches out to regions across India having limited access to such educational programmes. The purpose is to improve and expand environment education both at the national and international level. It aspires to develop human resources, institutional infrastructure and a diverse mixture of locale-specific, regional and national action plans to sensitize schools on the need for environmental protection.

    Project objectives

    • To raise awareness amongst school students on environmental issues
    • To instil a sense of responsibility amongst students, teachers, and the larger school community towards the planet
    • To educate students about interdependence between man and the environment
    • To encourage students to actively participate in efforts to conserve the environment and help mitigate climate change
    • Realize potential of ‘students’ for national and international leadership as knowledge-based agents of change in the field of energy, environment, other natural resources and sustainable development
    • Inspire and reach out to diverse stakeholders for realizing a shared vision of global sustainable development
    • Enhance networking for sustainable interventions
    The following are certain indicators that point towards the growing popularity and acceptance of this programme in the academic circle.
    • UNESCO and DESD (Decade of Education for Sustainable Development -2004-2015) has endorsed GREEN Olympiad since 2011
    • Constant support from the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, since 1999
    • Repeat participation of schools
    • Regular support from corporates, such as Hero Moto Corp Limited
    • Interest shown by other organizations to start similar programmes, for example by Department of Biotechnology, Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, and so on

    Target group and outreach

    The GREEN Olympiad is open to students from classes VIII, IX and X enrolled in schools affiliated to recognized education boards and educational trusts from across India and abroad. Over the years, besides India, the programme has reached out to schools in Nepal, Singapore, Kenya Indonesia, Iran, Bhutan, ,Sultanate of Oman, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Mexico D.F 
    With a modest beginning of 10 cities in 1999, this programme has reached out to all parts of the country, also covering several remote areas.
    The GREEN Olympiad addresses the need for networking amongst the schools to establish a 'Platform' and helps the students to connect and understand what is happening in the world around them. Schools in the semi-urban and rural areas often have limited access to information on environment. To address this problem, TERI partners with regional education boards and trusts which have schools in remote areas.

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