Tuesday, 26 July 2016

New Rules for SSC private candidates @ Maharashtra State

New Rules for SSC private candidates @ Maharashtra State
The minimum qualification to appear for the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) exam as a private candidate is now Class 5 to instead of Class 4.
Anyone above 14 years of age, who is not studying in a regular school, can appear for the exam by filling form 17.
The change in minimum qualification is made as the Right to Education Act (RTE) considers Classes 1 to 5 as primary, while earlier it was classes 1 to 4. Classes 6 to 8 are considered upper primary and 9 and 10 secondary.
“According to board rules, private candidates must have at least completed their primary education, so we proposed raising the minimum criteria as primary is now extended to Class 5 under RTE,” said Gangadhar Mhamane, chairperson of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.
Source | Hindustan Times | 26 July 2016

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