Thursday, 7 July 2016


Maths Class XII

Click On PLAYLIST (at Top-Left Corner) and FULLSCREEN [] (at bottom Right Corner) of Video to Run any other topic out of 48 videos

Maths Lecture By:

1.Shri(Dr.) Manjunath,Principal KV Ojhar
2.Shri Ravi Kishor,PGT Maths KV VRDE
3.Smt. Mahajan,PGT Maths KV NRC
4.Shri. K.Chandra Babu,PGT Maths ,KV Thane
5 Shri R.P.Rao,PGT Maths,KV Army Area

Topics Covered in above Video Play List

1. 3D Geometry Straight Line In Space
2. Applications Of Derivative Part-1
3. Applications Of Derivative Part-2
4. Applications Of Derivative Part-3
5. Area Bounded Region Part-2
6. Area Of Bounded Region Part-1
7. Continuity
8. Definite Integral Part-1
9. Definite Integral Part-2
10. Differentiability Part-1
11. Differentiability Part-2
12. Differential Equation Part-1
13. Differential Equation Part-2
14. Differentiation Rolles/LMV Theorem
15. Integral Calculus Part-1
16. Integral Calculus Part-2
17. Integration By Part
18. Integration Using Partial Fraction
19. Inverse Trigonometric Function
20. Maxima And Minima Part-1
21. Maxima And Minima Part-2
22. Planes Part-1
23. Planes Part-2
24. Relation And Function Part-1
25. Relation And Function Part-2
26. Relation And Function Part-3
27. Relation And Function Part-1
28. Relation And Function Part-2
29. Relation And Function Part-3
30. Trigonometric Function

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