Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Internet Safety Activities

A better internet starts with you...
  1. It starts with staying safe online.

    Keep your personal information safe and check with an adult before you share anything online. Personal information includes your email address, phone number and passwords.
    Never agree to meet up with someone you only know online. No matter how friendly they might seem or how well you think you know them, they are still a stranger. Always tell a trusted adult if someone online asks to meet up.

  2. It starts with being a good friend.

    Remember that behind every screen is a real person. Being kind and positive online is just as important as being kind and positive face-to-face.

  3. It starts with saying sorry.

    Even when we’re trying really hard to be a good friend online, things can still go wrong. If you ever upset someone online, even if it wasn’t on purpose, then saying sorry is a really powerful and positive action to take.

  4. It starts with taking a step back.

    Being online is great – there are so many fun and exciting things to do! But being connected all the time can get a little stressful. If being online is making you feel worried, upset or confused, it’s always worth taking a step back and having a break from your online activities. Check out Red and Murphy talking about this in this special SID TV video.

  5. It starts with asking for help.

    It’s okay to feel worried or upset by something you see online – just make sure you speak to someone about it! Always tell an adult you trust if you see anything that worries you online.

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