Friday, 19 October 2018

Maharashtra Reading Day - 6 ways to improve reading skills

Maharashtra Reading Day - 6 ways to improve reading skills

Maharashtra recently celebrated October 15, the birthday of former President - APJ Abdul Kalam Azad, as Reading Day. Check out 6 ways to improve your reading skills.

Mumbai: Maharashtra Education Minister, Vinod Tawde has declared 15th October as Maharashtra Reading Day in honour of Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam or APJ Abdul Kalam, the former president of India who was born on this day in 1931.  On the 85th birth anniversary of the great visionary, there could be no better way to pay homage to the people's president who was a man with a passion for reading and learning. Furthermore, reading, in today's digital age is a concern. To further inculcate the habit of reading the day was declared as Maharashtra Reading Day. 

There is a long tradition of literature in Maharashtra. Many excellent pieces of literature are available in Maharashtra. Notably, great literateurs and Sahitya Akademi winners Kusumagraj and Indira Sant are also from this state. The writings of prominent writers Sarojini Vaidya and PL Deshpande are relevant for readers even today.

Today's youth tend to fall in the gadget-traps. They need to be rescued and guided towards the better option of reading .books, instead. Even if they can read on gadgets such as the Kindle, their interest in reading should be protected, nurtured, and increased.

Crossword bookstores, a popular chain of books of all kinds, has also taken the Initiative along with the state government, to give an impetus to the reading culture in the state. Maulik Desai of Crossword Book Stores has given some special tips to celebrate Maharashtra Reading Day this year. On the occasion, Crossword Bookstores has shared 6 ways to improve your reading habit and skills.

1. Please buy book : Always buy books that you like to read. Buying a book is a positive act in the direction of really getting down to read it. Otherwise, the idea remains a plan. The manifestation of the writing in a physical form holds a special significance for book lovers.

2. Give away a book as a gift: If you want to give someone a gift, give him a book as q gift. Because. A book holds various values apart from the printed price. It is motivation, relief, guidance, sentimental value and even nostalgia. The value of a book often increases over time.

3. Read the books of others too : If you want to read new books, then give your good books to your friends and take some books from them. This will also save your money and increase your reading assets too. Exchange of books enhances the use of every printed word. Often as a matter of pride, people also keep their personal book collection spruced up and well-maintained.

4. Become a member of a library: Get enrolled at the library near your home. This will increase your interest in reading. The sheer expanse of subjects and authors can stun you and also open for you a window to the world. Also, a library which ordinarily is a collection of many books collected on the basis of classics, popular, authors, trends, and history etc. often promises to be well-rounded and healthy.

5. Please donate your old books: If you are done reading a book that you own and the shortage of space or any other cause decides that you cannot retain the book(s), please do not discard them as waste. Donate all the old books to a suitable NGO. This will definitely benefit the needy, most often the children who have little or no access to good literature.

6. Create a Book-readers' club: Just like mountain climbers like to move around with people who share their own interests or actors and theatre people have their own clubs, why not start a book-readers' club? Get your group to meet once a week and hold book reading sessions. Read out to the old and interested in your free time. As the Marathi saying goes, knowledge is the only commodity that multiplies on sharing. So go right ahead and grab that book you had been planning to read, go raid a nearby bookstall to buy one or a library to borrow one. Happy reading!

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