Friday, 19 October 2018

Steal these privacy tips

Steal these privacy tips

When your personal data and information is compromised, the bits and pieces are sold on an underground market that illegally trades on the information plucked from the trove of data each one of us carries.
What's my data worth, anyway?

How to keep your private life private in a digital world

“The video, audio and pictures surrounding you when the computer is just open and running … think about that. Even that information costs money,”  You don’t only need to only worry about your banking information, but also if people are taking pictures of you and selling those pictures.”
When your personal data and information is compromised, the bits and pieces are sold on an underground market that illegally trades on the information plucked from the trove of data each one of us carries.

Steal these privacy tips

  • Cover up your computer video lens with a piece of opaque tape, especially if itís used in your home as hackers scour the photos for valuable information and prey on photos or videos of us when we’re at our most vulnerable. Phishing tactics work here.
  • Yes, changing your 10-digit password every three months can be a nuisance, but password managers like LastPass, Keeper and 1Password help.
  • Don’t do your banking or any other private tasks while connected to public WiFi. Whether you’re in a coffee shop or piggybacking on your neighbour’s service, you’re at risk as WiFi creates a near-seamless access point to the devices of every individual logged on.
  • If you think you’ve been hacked immediately check all of your accounts and change your password. If you think your banking information is safe, monitor it for ........... a few weeks to be sure.
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