Tuesday, 27 April 2021

CBSE Competency-Based Questions For Class 9 To 12: All You Need To Know


The competency-based questions will include multiple-choice questions (MCQs), case-based questions and source-based integrated questions.

Education | Written By Mridusmita Deka | Updated: Apr 27, 2021 11:27 am IST

New Delhi: 

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will assess the students of Classes 9 to 12 on the basis of application of concepts in “real-life or unfamiliar situations”. Termed competency-based questions, the questions in the CBSE board exams will include multiple-choice questions (MCQs), case-based questions and source-based integrated questions, as per the circular released on April 22. CBSE’s competency-based education project is aimed at replacing the existing rote-learning model with a competency-based framework as is mentioned in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

UPDATE: Admissions are open at Manipal (MAHE) CLICK here to start your application.

The new pattern of competency-based questions will not be applicable for students appearing in the upcoming Classes 10, 12 board exams in 2021. This shall come into force from the academic session 2021-22 onwards.

CBSE on March 24 had also announced a competency-based assessment framework for Science, Mathematics and English. The assessment framework seeks to strengthen India’s existing school education system for the students and improve the overall learning outcomes.

Competency-Based Questions: Nature, Marks Allotment

For Class 9 and Class 10, CBSE has decided to introduce a minimum of 30 per cent competency-based questions in the form of Multiple Choice questions (MCQs), case-based questions, source-base integrated questions, etc. 20 per cent of the questions will be objective type and the remaining 50 per cent will be short and long answer type questions, as per the existing pattern.

However, for Class 11 and Class 12, there will be 20 per cent competency-based questions, 20 per cent objective type questions and the remaining 60 per cent will be short and long answer type questions.

The overall marks and duration of the CBSE board final examination will remain unchanged.

Moreover, to transform education towards an outcome-based approach and more competency-oriented, CBSE made Competency-Based Education as the annual theme of training of teachers in the session 2020-21.

Source:CBSE Exams: Know About Competency-Based Questions For Class 9 To 12 (ndtv.com)

Thursday, 22 April 2021

CBSE to change Board Exam Pattern from Next Session, Number of Competency-based Questions to be increased

 CBSE Board Exam: Following the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has decided to make some more changes to the classes 9th to 12th examinations for the 2021 - 2022 academic session. In the next sessions, there will be more competency-based questions. Also, there will be questions that evaluate the application of concepts in real-life or unfamiliar situations. Such questions will be part of the question papers of classes 10th, 12th board exams and classes 9th and 11th final exams.

CBSE New Paper Pattern 

For classes 9th and 10th, the CBSE has decided to add a minimum of 30 percent competency-based questions in form of Multiple Choice questions (MCQs), case-based questions, source base integrated questions, etc. 20 percent of the questions will be objective type and the remaining 50 percent will be short and long answer type questions, as per the existing pattern. 
For classes 11th and 12th, there will be 20 percent competency-based questions, 20 percent objective type questions and the remaining 60 percent will be short and long answer type questions. However, there will be no change in the overall marking and time duration. 

Earlier, in March 2021, CBSE issued sample question papers and syllabus for the 2021 - 2022 academic year. Students can check these sample questions to understand the pattern of the competency-based questions. Last year also, CBSE slashed syllabi of the senior classes by 30 percent, in a bid to make up for the academic loss caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As per the curriculum for 2021-22, those deleted chapters have been restored.

About National Education Policy:

The National Education Policy (NEP) aims to provide students with the ability to solve problems. The Board said, assessments should focus more on the learning and development of students, test higher-order skills such as analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity, rather than testing their ability to memorise.


World Book and Copyright Day 2021: History, theme, significance and all you need to know

 World Book Day is celebrated by UNESCO on April 23, every year. As a celebration of this year's World's Book and Copyright Day, UNESCO has created a 'Bookface' challenge.

World Book Day is celebrated by UNESCO on April 23, every year. As a celebration of this year's World's Book and Copyright Day, UNESCO has created a 'Bookface' challenge.

World Book Day 2021: History

In 1995, UNESCO decided to celebrate April 23 as World Book Day or World Book and Copyright Day, and since then, the date has prominence in the history of literature.

April 23 marks the death and birth anniversary of many other prominent authors, such as Maurice Druon, Haldor K.Laxness, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla, and Manuel Mejía Vallejo. Therefore, it became obvious to UNESCO to choose April 23 to celebrate World Book Day worldwide.

World Book Day 2021: Celebration

Every year, numerous events are held on this day but this year, due to the widespread Covid-19 virus, most educational institutions are closed for the safety of their students, teachers, and staff.

People spending time at home can download a good book through the internet and read positive books and gain knowledge.




 “World Book Day Celebration 2021-22"

Young minds need to be fostered with something that gives them an opportunity to think over. There is no idea where the world is going to. But there is something that we can do to make it better today, tomorrow and forever.

Event Timing: 23/04/2021 to  29/04/2021 (Extended timing)

KVSC LIBRARY Celebrating “World Book Day Celebration 2021-22" to enhance reading habits amongst all the readers.

All the Readers (Teachers, students and parents are invited to participate in this Fun-statistic Digital Reading Digital Platform Celebration. Let’s us make the current situation i.e. .Covid-19 epidemic as an opportunity to transform our reading habits from Offline to Online mode of academic activities. Once again it is hope that you all will take opportunity to develop you reading habits and boost your Presentation skills at the maximum level.

Please click on following link to participate in KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SOUTHERN COMMAND LIBRARY Reader's Club Activities 2021-22 and receive E- Certificate of online participation of different activities which is scheduled on “World Book Day Celebration 2021”


1.       Online Reading Together (Individual and with Family) Register here for participation

2.       Story Telling Competition (Whatever stories read by you) Register here for participation

3.       Book Review Writing Competition (Any book which was shared through virtual libraries) Register here for participation

4.       Book Jacket Designing Competition (Any book which is available at home) Registerhere for participation

5.        Book Mark making Competition - Register here for participation

6.       Character Sketch Making Competition (Any character from story which you like more) - Register here for participation 

7.       Slogan Writing Competition (Theme: World Book Day) - Register here forparticipation

8.       Poster Making Competition (Theme: World Book Day and role of reading books) - Register here for participation 

9.       Essay writing on “How to develop the habit of reading?” (300 Words for Classes 9 & 10 students) - Register here for participation 

10.   Debate on “Is there any age limit for cultivating the habit of reading? (open to class 6 to 12 students) - Register here for participation  

11.   Paragraph on Importance of Good Reading Habits (200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students) - Register here for participation 

12.  Story telling session by Scholastic India (Details are given below)

13. E-Newsletter will be released

NOTE: Pictures of the activities participants needs to be send positively by creating folder by name, class and sections. Send your passport size photo, upload images of activities, videos to given google drive link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IBp9Ke-21VoH6T7xKVxXmzfF6XpmF_k3?usp=sharing  on 23rd April, 2021. Link will be closed by 3 pm itself.

Event registration is compulsory to participate in Readers Club Activities and E-Certificate will be released on 25th April, 2021.

It will be amazing to see participation and enthusiasm among students… In advance Kudos! to all the participants.

                                                                                                              Ms. SUCHETA CHANDANSHIVE


Story telling sessions

Scholastic India is pleased to invite you and your children to join us in celebrating our love of books and shared reading experiences on this World Book Day!

The day will be marked with two storytelling sessions by our international bestselling author (of Vahana Masterclass), 1. Alfredo Covelli and renowned Indian storyteller, 2. Shalini Bansal.

Session 1 - 4:00 PM onwards, for age group 3 to 8 years

Session 2 - 5:00 PM onwards, for age group 9-13 years

🌐 Scholastic India’s official Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ScholasticIndia/)

Mark your calendar this Friday and let's spread our love of stories.


Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Why is National Civil Service Day celebrated on 21 April?

 National Civil Service Day 2021: On this day, civil servants dedicate themselves for the cause of citizens, renew their commitments and excellence in work. What is National Civil Service Day and why is it celebrated on 21 April every year? Let us find out!

National Civil Service Day 2021: On this day, the Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence in Public Administration are presented. In the Awards scheme, a large number of Districts across the country participates and the scale of the entire process is very large. 

As we know that Civil Service is the service that is responsible for the public administration of the government of the country. It does not include legislative, judiciary, and military personnel. Let us tell you that the civil service members do not take any pledge to any political ruling party but are the executioners of the policies of the ruling political party.

Civil Service word date back to the British time when British East India Company civilian staffs involved in administrative jobs and were known as 'Public Servants'. Its foundation has been laid by Warren Hastings and later more reforms were done by Charles Cornwallis and so he was known as the "Father of Civil Services in India".

Civil Service in India consists of Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), and a comprehensive list of All India Services and Central Services Group A and Group B. 21 April is dedicated to the Civil Service people to commemorate their exemplary services and to reflect back what they have done years back. Also, on this day they make planning for the coming year, how they have to work for their respective departments.

Why is 21 April celebrated as National Civil Service Day?

Its origin is related to the 1947 year when on 21st April Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Home Minister of Independent India addressed the probationary officers at the All India Administrative Service Training School at Metcalfe House, Delhi. He delivered a powerful speech and empowered the Civil Servants to adopt the true role of national service leaving behind the past experience. In his speech he referred to civil servants as the 'steel frame of India'. The first such function was held in Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on 21 April, 2006. So, since 2006 it has been celebrated as National Civil Service Day on 21 April. On this day the Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence in Public Administration are also given.

National Civil Service Day objective behind celebration

- To motivate and appreciate the work and efforts of Civil Service officers.

- Central Government uses this opportunity to evaluate the work of various departments under the civil services.

- The central government felicitate and provide awards to the best working individuals and groups.

On this day mostly all the officers of central and State Governments are awarded by the Prime Minister of India for their extraordinary services in the field of public administration. Do you know that the function is organised by the Department of the Administrative Reforms and Public grievances (DARPG) and Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions?

The 'Prime Minister Award for Excellence in Public Administration 'is awarded in three categories.

Every year lakhs of candidates apply for the Indian Civil Service exam for almost a thousand posts. But we can't ignore that civil service is the pillar on which the government-run the vehicle of policies and programmes of the country smoothly. The contribution of civil servants to society, the nation as a whole can't be expressed in words. Therefore, 21 April is celebrated as Civil Service Day to encourage civil servants for their immense contribution to the nation.


Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Ambedkar’s vision of nationalism had no room for parochialism

 Ambedkar described nationality as “consciousness of kind, awareness of the existence of that tie of kinship”, as this is how people come close to each other and develop a sense of fraternity.

Whenever I think of Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar’s thoughts and his vision, his work for social democracy comes to mind. In his speech in the last meeting of the Constituent Assembly, for instance, he had categorically said that the caste system and democracy cannot coexist. That is why the Indian Constitution barred discrimination on the basis of caste and language.

Ambedkar drafted the Constitution with his able colleagues and gave a voice to the traditions, faith and beliefs of the country. But, in his vision, all the citizens of the country were Indians first; their other identities came later.

If we delve into Ambedkar’s statements in the Constituent Assembly, we find a unique confluence of politics, law, history and philosophy. In November 1948, while proposing to consider the draft of the Constitution, he explained the decision to call India a “Union of States” and not a “Federation of States”. I believe that Ambedkar was concerned with the challenge of social separation in India, so he said, “If we want to build a democracy, we have to recognise the obstacles in our path because the grand palace of the Constitution stands on the foundation of people’s allegiance in democracy.”

These views reflect his sense of nationalism, in which there is no distinction among individuals, irrespective of their caste and religion. There is harmony among all of us. That is why our nation is a classic example of unity in diversity. That is why the Preamble of the Constitution lays stress on equality and fraternity among citizens. Any nation is formed by a coming together of its traditions, cultures, religions and languages. Therefore, nationalism has no place for parochialism.

Ambedkar also explained this vision about India in a wider perspective. Giving importance to the land, its society and the best traditions for nation-building, he stressed that the nation is not a physical entity. It is the result of continuous efforts, sacrifice and patriotism.

He described nationality as “consciousness of kind, awareness of the existence of that tie of kinship”, as this is how people come close to each other and develop a sense of fraternity. In this, the idea of narrowness is the biggest obstacle. He clearly said that he wanted all the people of India to consider themselves as Indian and only Indian.

Ambedkar took three words from the French Revolution — liberty, equality and fraternity. These words included in the core of the Constitution also deeply influenced his political and social philosophy. That is why the fundamental rights provided by the Constitution enshrine the right to equality through Articles 14 to 18, the right to freedom through Articles 19 to 22 and the right against exploitation (Articles 23 and 24).

Ambedkar was also a pioneer in his thinking on women’s education and jobs. He believed that the progress of a community ought to be measured “by the degree of progress which women had achieved”. He was probably the first scholar who tried to understand the position of women in the caste structure. That led him to advocate for rights and empowerment of women.

Ambedkar’s dream for India was that equality should be established at all levels in the society. That is why he constantly emphasised on making society classless. It is intellectual poverty to associate him only with a particular class or caste. He belonged to all.

It also needs to be understood that Article 370 was also added to the Constitution against his will, which was abrogated after 72 years of Independence with the strong will and resolve of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah.

If we go into the totality of Ambedkar’s thoughts, we will find the seeds of equality, unity and integrity. His philosophy of “bahujana hitaya bahujana sukhaya” and its belief in equality and justice is relevant today and will remain so in the future.


CBSE Class 12 Board Exams Postponed, Class 10 Exams Cancelled

 CBSE Board Exams 2021: The count has been spiraling in the deadly second wave of infections and this morning, India recorded 1,84,372 new coronavirus infections in the highest single-day rise so far, with 1,027 deaths.

New Delhi: 

The CBSE Class 12 board exams have been postponed and the Class 10 exams have been cancelled, the government said today after Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with top officials to discuss demands to cancel them because of the massive Covid spike across the country.

The Board Exams for Class 12, which were to be held from May 4 to June 14, have been put off. The results of the Class 10 board exam would be prepared "on the basis of an objective criterion to be developed by the Board", the government said.

The decision was taken amid spiraling Covid cases in the deadly second wave of infections. This morning, India recorded 1,84,372 new coronavirus infections in the highest single-day rise so far, with 1,027 deaths.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra were among those who have urged the central government to cancel the exams and prevent millions of students from being exposed to infection.

Arvind Kejriwal, pointing to the alarming rise in virus cases in Delhi, said on Tuesday: "Six lakh students in the city will appear for board exams. One lakh teachers will be on duty. Conducting board exams can lead to largescale spread of coronavirus... alternative methods of assessment can be explored. Students can be promoted on basis of either online exams or internal assessment. The board exams should be cancelled."

This morning, his Punjab counterpart Amarinder Singh asked the centre to defer the exams, flagging the second surge in many states.

Congress MP Rahul Gandhi urged the government to consult with all stakeholders before making "sweeping" decisions.

"In the light of the devastating Corona second wave, conducting #CBSE exams must be reconsidered. All stakeholders must be consulted before making sweeping decisions. On how many counts does (the government) intend to play with the future of India's youth," posted Mr Gandhi.

His sister Priyanka Gandhi Vadra said it would be "downright irresponsible" of boards like the CBSE to force students to sit for the exams in the circumstances. "Board exams should either be cancelled, rescheduled or arranged in a manner that does not require the physical presence of children at crowded exam centres," she wrote last week.

A body of parents had also written to PM Modi requesting that students be assessed internally instead of having to sit for exams physically.

The India Wide Parents Association pointed out in their letter that teachers and students had not been vaccinated yet and there was a higher chance of infection among them.

Source:CBSE Board Exams Postponed, Cancelled: CBSE Class 12 Board Exams Postponed, Class 10 Exams Cancelled (ndtv.com)


Imbibe BR Ambedkar's Ideals, Contribute To Nation-Building:President Kovind

 "All through his inspiring life, Dr Ambedkar charted his unique path in the midst of extreme adversity and earned commendations for his extraordinary and multi-faceted achievements," President Kovind said.

New Delhi: 

President Ram Nath Kovind today asked people to imbibe Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar's ideals in their lives and contribute towards building a strong and prosperous India.

He greeted citizens on the eve of the birth anniversary of Dr Ambedkar, the architect of the Constitution of India.

"All through his inspiring life, Dr Ambedkar charted his unique path in the midst of extreme adversity and earned commendations for his extraordinary and multi-faceted achievements," President Kovind said.

He was an ardent advocate of human rights, who set up the 'Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha' with the aim of improving socio-economic status of the people of deprived communities of India and for spreading education amongst them, the president said.

"Dr Ambedkar envisioned a better and just society and fought for it throughout his life," he said.

He wanted to create a modern India where there would be no prejudice on the basis of caste or any other reason; where women and communities subjected to backwardness for centuries would enjoy equity of economic and social rights, President Kovind said.

"On the occasion of Dr Ambedkar's birth anniversary, let us resolve to imbibe his ideals in our lives by learning from his life and ideas and contribute towards building a strong and prosperous India, the President was quoted as saying in a statement issued by the Rashtrapati Bhavan.


Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Quiz on Celebration of "World Knowledge Day′′ on the occasion of 130th Birth Anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 14th April, 2021

 KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SOUTHERN COMMAND LIBRARY, PUNE is conducting a Quiz on Celebration of  "World Knowledge Day′′ on the occasion of 130th Birth Anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar  14th April, 2021. 

 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is the main pillar behind the composition of the Indian Constitution. He is declared as the most intelligent man by many surveys.   


Dr. Ambedkar's birthday is celebrated with great enthusiasm across the world on 14 April. To increase the general knowledge about Dr. B R Ambedkar, Kendriya Vidyalaya Southern Command Library is conducting Quiz a Tribute to Dr. B R Ambedkar on his 130th Birth Anniversary on 14th April, 2021 


Quiz on Celebration of "World Knowledge Day′′ on the occasion of 130th Birth Anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 14th April, 2021

KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SOUTHERN COMMAND LIBRARY, PUNE is conducting a Quiz on Celebration of  "World Knowledge Day′′ on the occasion of 130th Birth Anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar  14th April, 2021. 

 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is the main pillar behind the composition of the Indian Constitution. He is declared as the most intelligent man by many surveys.   


Dr. Ambedkar's birthday is celebrated with great enthusiasm across the world on 14 April. To increase the general knowledge about Dr. B R Ambedkar, Kendriya Vidyalaya Southern Command Library is conducting Quiz a Tribute to Dr. B R Ambedkar on his 130th Birth Anniversary on 14th April, 2021 


Saturday, 10 April 2021

ज्योतिराव गोविंदराव फुले

 महात्मा जोतिराव गोविंदराव फुले (११ अप्रैल १८२७ - २८ नवम्बर १८९०) एक भारतीय समाजसुधारक, समाज प्रबोधक, विचारक, समाजसेवी, लेखक, दार्शनिक तथा क्रान्तिकारी कार्यकर्ता थे। इन्हें महात्मा फुले एवं ''जोतिबा फुले के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। सितम्बर १८७३ में इन्होने महाराष्ट्र में सत्य शोधक समाज नामक संस्था का गठन किया। महिलाओं व दलितों के उत्थान के लिय इन्होंने अनेक कार्य किए। समाज के सभी वर्गो को शिक्षा प्रदान करने के ये प्रबल समथर्क थे। वे भारतीय समाज में प्रचलित जाति पर आधारित विभाजन और भेदभाव के विरुद्ध थे।

इनका मूल उद्देश्य स्त्रियों को शिक्षा का अधिकार प्रदान करना, बाल विवाह का विरोध, विधवा विवाह का समर्थन करना रहा है। फुले समाज की कुप्रथा, अंधश्रद्धा की जाल से समाज को मुक्त करना चाहते थे। अपना सम्पूर्ण जीवन उन्होंने स्त्रियों को शिक्षा प्रदान कराने में, स्त्रियों को उनके अधिकारों के प्रति जागरूक करने में व्यतीत किया.१९ वी सदी में स्त्रियों को शिक्षा नहीं दी जाती थी। फुले महिलाओं को स्त्री-पुरुष भेदभाव से बचाना चाहते थे। उन्होंने कन्याओं के लिए भारत देश की पहली पाठशाला पुणे में बनाई। स्त्रियों की तत्कालीन दयनीय स्थिति से फुले बहुत व्याकुल और दुखी होते थे इसीलिए उन्होंने दृढ़ निश्चय किया कि वे समाज में क्रांतिकारी बदलाव लाकर ही रहेंगे। उन्होंने अपनी धर्मपत्नी सावित्रीबाई फुले को स्वयं शिक्षा प्रदान की। सावित्रीबाई फुले भारत की प्रथम महिला अध्यापिका थीं।

आरम्भिक जीवन

कराड में स्थित ज्योतिबा फुले की एक मूर्ति

महात्मा ज्योतिबा फुले का जन्म 1827 ई. में पुणे में हुआ था। एक वर्ष की अवस्था में ही इनकी माता का निधन हो गया। इनका लालन-पालन एक बायी ने किया। उनका परिवार कई पीढ़ी पहले सतारा से पुणे आकर फूलों के गजरे आदि बनाने का काम करने लगा था। इसलिए माली के काम में लगे ये लोग 'फुले' के नाम से जाने जाते थे। ज्योतिबा ने कुछ समय पहले तक मराठी में अध्ययन किया, बीच में पढाई छूट गई और बाद में 21 वर्ष की उम्र में अंग्रेजी की सातवीं कक्षा की पढाई पूरी की। इनका विवाह 1840 में सावित्री बाई से हुआ, जो बाद में स्‍वयं एक प्रसिद्ध समाजसेवी बनीं। दलित व स्‍त्रीशिक्षा के क्षेत्र में दोनों पति-पत्‍नी ने मिलकर काम किया वह एक कर्मठ और समाजसेवी की भावना रखने वाले व्यक्ति थे।


उन्‍होंने विधवाओं और महिलाओं के कल्याण के लिए बहुत काम किया, इसके साथ ही किसानों की हालत सुधारने और उनके कल्याण के लिए भी काफी प्रयास किये। स्त्रियों की दशा सुधारने और उनकी शिक्षा के लिए फुले ने 1848 में एक स्कूल खोला। यह इस काम के लिए देश में पहला विद्यालय था। लड़कियों को पढ़ाने के लिए अध्यापिका नहीं मिली तो उन्होंने कुछ दिन स्वयं यह काम करके अपनी पत्नी सावित्री फुले को इस योग्य बना दिया। उच्च वर्ग के लोगों ने आरम्भ से ही उनके काम में बाधा डालने की चेष्टा की, किंतु जब फुले आगे बढ़ते ही गए तो उनके पिता पर दबाब डालकर पति-पत्नी को घर से निकालवा दिया इससे कुछ समय के लिए उनका काम रुका अवश्य, पर शीघ्र ही उन्होंने एक के बाद एक बालिकाओं के तीन स्कूल खोल दिए।

विद्यालय की स्थापना

ज्योतिबा को संत-महत्माओं की जीवनियाँ पढ़ने में बड़ी रुचि थी। उन्हें ज्ञान हुआ कि जब भगवान के सामने सब नर-नारी समान हैं तो उनमें ऊँच-नीच का भेद क्यों होना चाहिए। स्त्रियों की दशा सुधारने और उनकी शिक्षा के लिए ज्योतिबा ने 1848 में एक स्कूल खोला। यह इस काम के लिए देश में पहला विद्यालय था। लड़कियों को पढ़ाने के लिए अध्यापिका नहीं मिली तो उन्होंने कुछ दिन स्वयं यह काम करके अपनी पत्नी सावित्री को इस योग्य बना दिया। कुछ लोगों ने आरम्भ से ही उनके काम में बाधा डालने की चेष्टा की, किंतु जब फुले आगे बढ़ते ही गए तो उनके पिता पर दबाब डालकर पति-पत्नी को घर से निकालवा दिया इससे कुछ समय के लिए उनका काम रुका अवश्य, पर शीघ्र ही उन्होंने एक के बाद एक बालिकाओं के तीन स्कूल खोल दिए।

महात्‍मा की उपाधि

जोतिराव फुले व सावित्रीबाई फुले के पुतले, औरंगपुरा, औरंगाबाद, महाराष्ट्र

गरीबो और निर्बल वर्ग को न्याय दिलाने के लिए ज्योतिबा ने 'सत्यशोधक समाज' 1873 मे स्थापित किया। उनकी समाजसेवा देखकर 1888 ई. में मुंबई की एक विशाल सभा में उन्हें 'महात्मा' की उपाधि दी। ज्योतिबा ने ब्राह्मण-पुरोहित के बिना ही विवाह-संस्कार आरम्भ कराया और इसे मुंबई हाईकोर्ट से भी मान्यता मिली। वे बाल-विवाह विरोधी और विधवा-विवाह के समर्थक थे। अपने जीवन काल में उन्होंने कई पुस्तकें भी लिखीं-गुलामगिरी, तृतीय रत्न, छत्रपति शिवाजी, राजा भोसला का पखड़ा, किसान का कोड़ा, अछूतों की कैफियत. महात्मा ज्योतिबा व उनके संगठन के संघर्ष के कारण सरकार ने ‘एग्रीकल्चर एक्ट’ पास किया। धर्म, समाज और परम्पराओं के सत्य को सामने लाने हेतु उन्होंने अनेक पुस्तकें भी लिखी.

  • ब्रिटिश सरकार द्वारा उपाधि: १८८३ में स्री यो को शिक्षा प्रदान कराने के महान कार्य के लिए उन्हें तत्कालीन ब्रिटिश भारत सरकार द्वारा "स्त्री शिक्षण के आद्यजनक" कहकर गौरव किया।

महात्मा जोतिबा फुले जयंती ११ एप्रिल

महात्मा जोतिबा फुले जयंती

थोर समाजसेवक महात्मा ज्योतिबा फुले  म्हणजे परीवर्तानाची धगधगती मशाल. महात्मा फुले यांचे विचार आणि कृती आजही अनेकांना प्रेरणा देते. अत्यंत प्रतिकूल परिस्थितीत त्यांनी केलेले काम हे इतिहासांच्या पानावर नेहमीच अतुलनीय ठरले आहे. त्यांनी त्यांनी सत्यशोधक समाजाची स्थापना केली. त्यासोबतच त्यांनी लिहिलेले ग्रंथ आणि त्यातील विचार आजही प्रेरणादाई आहेत. 'शेतकऱ्याचा आसूड' आणि 'गुलामगिरी' या ग्रंथामुळे समाजपरीर्तनास मोठी चालना मिळाली.

 11 एप्रिल या दिवशी ज्योतिबा फुले यांची जयंती . ज्योतिबांच्या जयंतीनिमित्त आज पुन्हा एकदा त्यांचे हे विचार अनेकांना विचार करण्यास प्रवृत्त करतील.

महात्मा जोतीराव गोविंदराव फुले (जन्म : ११ एप्रिल १८२७; मृत्यू : २८ नोव्हेंबर १८९०), 
इतर नावे: महात्मा फुलेज्योतिबा फुले, हे मराठी लेखक, विचारवंत आणि समाजसुधारक होते

फुलेंचा संपूर्ण जीवनक्रम 

अ.क्र.दिनांक / महिनाइ.स.घटना
१.एप्रिल ११इ.स.१८२७जन्म (कटगुण, सातारा)
२.इ.स. १८३४ ते १८३८पंतोजींच्या शाळेत मराठी शिक्षण.
३.इ.स. १८४०नायगावच्या च्या खंडोबा नेवसे पाटील यांच्या सात वर्षाच्या सावित्रीबाई नावाच्या कन्येशी विवाह.
४.इ.स. १८४१ ते १८४७मिशनरी शाळेत माध्यमिक (इंग्रजी) शिक्षण.
५.इ.स. १८४७लहुजी वस्ताद साळवे दांडपट्टा तालीम व इतर शारीरिक शिक्षण आणि क्रांतिकारक विचार.
६.इ.स. १८४७टॉमस पेन कृत “राईट ऑफ मॅन” या ग्रंथाचे मनन.
इ.स. १८४८उच्चवर्णीय मित्राच्या लग्नाच्या मिरवणुकीत झालेला अपमान .
८.इ.स.१८४८शूद्रातिशूद्रांसाठी मुलींची शाळा.
इ.स. १८४९शिक्षणदानाचे व्रत घेतल्याने पत्‍नी सावित्रीबाई फुले यांच्यासह करावा लागलेला गृहत्याग.
१०इ.स. १८४९मराठी प्रकाशनांना अनुदान देण्याची मागणी करणार्‍या सुधारकांच्या सभेला दिलेले संरक्षण.
११इ.स. १८५१चिपळूणकरांच्या वाड्यातील व रास्ता पेठेतील मुलींच्या शाळांची स्थापना.
१२नोव्हेंबर १६इ.स.१८५२मेजर कॅंडी यांच्या अध्यक्षतेखाली शिक्षण कार्याबद्दल सरकारी विद्याखात्याकडून सत्कार.
१३इ.स. १८४७थॉमस पेन यांच्या 'राईट ऑफ मॅन' या ग्रंथाचा अभ्यास.
१४इ.स. १८४८मित्राच्या विवाहप्रसंगी निघालेल्या मिरवणुकीत उच्चवर्णीयांकडून अपमान झाला.
१५इ.स.१८४८भारतातील मुलींची पहिली शाळा सुरू केली. बहुजन समाजाच्या शिक्षणासाठी काम सुरू केले.
१६सप्टेंबर ७इ.स.१८५१भिडे वाड्यात व रास्ता पेठेत मुलींच्या शाळेची सुरुवात.
१७इ.स.१८५२पूना लायब्ररीची स्थापना.
१८मार्च १५इ.स.१८५२वेताळपेठेत अस्पृश्यांसाठी पहिली शाळा सुरू केली.
१९नोव्हेंबर १६इ.स.१८५२मेजर कॅन्डी यांच्याकडून शैक्षणिक कार्यासाठी ब्रिटिश सरकारतर्फे विश्रामबाग वाड्यात सत्कार.
२०इ.स.१८५३'दि सोसायटी फॉर प्रमोटिंग द एज्युकेशन ऑफ महार मांग ॲन्ड अदर्स' स्थापन केली.
२१इ.स.१८५४स्कॉटिश मिशनच्या शाळेत अर्धवेळ शिक्षकाची नोकरी.
२२इ.स.१८५५रात्रशाळेची सुरुवात केली.
२३इ.स.१८५६जोतिबांवर मारेकरी घालून हत्येचा प्रयत्‍न झाला.
२४इ.स.१८५८शाळांच्या व्यवस्थापन मंडळातून निवृत्ती घेतली.
२५इ.स.१८६०विधवाविवाहास साहाय्य केले.
२६इ.स.१८६३बालहत्या प्रतिबंधक गृहाची स्थापना केली.
२७इ.स.१८६५विधवांच्या केशवपनाविरुद्ध न्हाव्यांचा संप घडवून आणला.
२८इ.स.१८६४गोखले बागेत विधवाविवाह घडवून आणला.
२९इ.स.१८६८दुष्काळ काळात राहत्या घरातील हौद अस्पृश्यांसाठी खुला केला.
३०इ. स. १९६९छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज यांचा पोवाडा लेखन
३१जूनइ. स. १९६९'शिक्षण विभागाचे ब्राह्मण पंतोजी' रचना
३२इ. स. १९६९'ब्राह्मणाचे कसब' या पुस्तकाचे लेखन
३३१३ ऑगस्टइ. स. १९६९भगवान परशुराम याला नोटीस
३४इ. स. १८७३' गुलामगिरी'
३५२४ सप्टेंबरइ.स.१८७३सत्यशोधक समाजची स्थापना केली.
३६इ.स.१८७५शेतकर्‍यांच्या शोषणाविरुद्ध खतफोडीचे बंड घडवून आणले ( अहमदनगर).
३७इ.स. १८७५स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वतींची पुण्यात मिरवणूक काढण्यास साहाय्य केले.
३८इ.स. १८७६ ते १८८२पुणे नगर पालिकेचे सदस्य होते.
३९इ.स. १८८०दारूची दुकाने सुरू करण्यास विरोध केला.
४०इ.स.१८८०नारायण मेघाजी लोखंडे यांना 'मिलहॅण्ड असोसिएशन' या देशातील पहिल्या कामगार संघटनेच्या स्थापनेत साहाय्य केले.
४१इ.स.१८८२'विल्यम हंटर शिक्षण आयोगा' समोर निवेदन दिले. यात प्राथमिक शिक्षण सक्तीचे व मोफत देण्याची मागणी केली.
४२इ.स.१८८७सत्यशोधक समाजातर्फे नवीन मंगलाष्टकांची व नवीन पूजाविधीची रचना करून पुरोहिताशिवाय विवाह घडवून आणण्यास सुरुवात केली.
४३इ.स.१८८८ड्यूक ऑफ कॅनॉट यांची भेट आणि सत्कार.
४४११ मे इ.स.१८८८मुंबईतील कोळीवाडा येथे जनतेने रावबहादुर विठ्ठलराव वंडेकर यांच्या हस्ते सत्कार करून 'महात्मा' ही पदवी प्रदान केली.
४५नोव्हेंबर २८इ.स.१८९०पुणे येथे निधन.

लेखन साहित्य

जोतिबा फुले यांच्या सामाजिक कार्याची दखल घेऊन लोकांनी त्याना मुंबईतील सेभेत १८८८ मध्ये ‘महात्मा’ ही उपाधी दिली. त्यामुळे ज्योतिबा फुले हे महात्मा फुले या नावाने ओळखले जाऊ लागले. त्यांनी अनेक पुस्तके लिहिली, त्यांपैकी काही ही :-

लेखनकाळसाहित्य प्रकारनाव
इ.स.१८५५नाटकतृतीय रत्‍न
जून, इ.स. १८६९पोवाडाछत्रपती शिवाजीराजे भोसले यांचा पोवाडा
जून इ.स. १८६९पोवाडाविद्याखात्यातील ब्राह्मण पंतोजी
इ.स.१८६९पुस्तकब्राह्मणांचे कसब
सप्टेंबर २४ , इ.स. १८७६अहवालसत्यशोधक समाजाची तिसर्‍या वार्षिक समारंभाची हकीकत
मार्च २० इ.स. १८७७अहवालपुणे सत्यशोधक समाजाचा रिपोर्ट
एप्रिल १२ , इ.स. १८८९निबंधपुणे सत्यशोधक समाजाचा निबंध व वक्तृत्व समारंभ
२४ मे इ.स. १८७७पत्रकदुष्काळविषयक पत्रक
१९ ऑक्टोबर इ.स. १८८२निवेदनहंटर शिक्षण आयोगापुढे सादर केलेले निवेदन
१८ जुलै इ.स. १८८३पुस्तकशेतकऱ्याचा असूड
४ डिसेंबर इ.स. १८८४निबंधमहात्मा फुले यांचे मलबारींच्या दोन टिपणांविषयीचे मत
११ जून इ.स. १८८५पत्रमराठी ग्रंथागार सभेस पत्र
१३ जून इ.स. १८८५पुस्तकसत्सार अंक १
ऑक्टोंबर इ.स. १८८५पुस्तकसत्सार अंक २
१ ऑक्टोंबर इ.स. १८८५पुस्तकइशारा
२९ मार्च इ.स.१८८६जाहीर प्रकटनग्रामजोश्यांसंबंधी जाहीर खबर
२ जून इ.स. १८८६पत्रमामा परमानंद यांस पत्र
जून इ.स. १८८७पुस्तकसत्यशोधक समाजोक्त मंगलाष्टकासह सर्व पूजा-विधी
इ.स. १८८७काव्यरचनाअखंडादी काव्य रचना
१० जुलै इ.स. १८८७मृत्युपत्रमहात्मा फुले यांचे उईलपत्र
इ.स. १८९१ (प्रकाशन)पुस्तकसार्वजनिक सत्यधर्म पुस्तक

महात्मा फुले यांच्यावर लिहिलेली पुस्तके

  • असूड (मराठी नाटक) लेखक : डॉ. सोमनाथ मुटकुळे
  • क्रांतिजागर : महात्मा फुले यांची समग्र कविता (डॉ. रवींद्र ठाकूर)
  • क्रांतिबा फुले (नाटक) अनुवादक : फ.मुं. शिंदे. (मूळ आचार्य रतनलाल सोनग्रा साहित्य अकादमीचे प्रकाशन)
  • गोष्टीरूप महात्मा फुले (बालसाहित्य, लेखक - शंकर कऱ्हाडे)
  • पहिली भारतीय शिक्षिका- सावित्रीबाई फुले (चरित्र) लेखक : बा.ग. पवार
  • भारतीय समाजक्रांतीचे जनक महात्मा जोतीराव फुले (ना.ग. पवार)
  • महात्मा (मराठीत आणि इंग्रजीत, डॉ. रवींद्र ठाकूर)
  • महात्मा ज्योतिबा फुले (चरित्र) लेखक : ग.द. माळी
  • महात्मा जोतिबा फुले (चरित्र) लेखिका : गिरिजा कीर
  • महात्मा जोतिबा फुले (चरित्र) लेखक : गोविंद तळवलकर
  • महात्मा जोतिबा फुले आणि सावित्रीबाई फुले (चरित्र) लेखिका : अनुराधा गद्रे
  • महात्मा ज्योतिबा फुले यांचा सार्वजनिक सत्यधर्म (संपादित) प्रकाशक : श्री गजानन बुक डेपो
  • महात्मा ज्योतिराव फुले आणि त्यांचे कार्य. लेखक : विठ्ठलराव भागवत
  • महात्मा जोतीबा फुले (चरित्र) लेखक : सुखदेव होळीकर
  • महात्मा जोतीबा फुले (संपादित) प्रकाशक : सूर्या अध्यापन साहित्य
  • महात्मा जोतीबा फुले यांचे १०१ मौलिक विचार. संपादन : नागनाथ कोतापल्ले
  • महात्मा जोतीराव फुले (चरित्र) लेखक : धनंजय कीर
  • महात्मा जोतीराव फुले (चरित्र) लेखक : नागेश सुरवसे
  • महात्मा जोतीराव फुले (चरित्र) लेखक : निर्मळ गुरुजी
  • महात्मा ज्योतीराव फुले (चरित्र) लेखक : पंढरीनाथ सिताराम पाटील
  • महात्मा जोतीराव फुले (चरित्र) लेखक : भास्कर लक्ष्मण भोळे
  • महात्मा जोतीराव फुले (चरित्र) लेखक : रमेश मुधोळकर
  • महात्मा जोतीराव फुले (चरित्र) लेखक : वसंत शांताराम देसाई
  • महात्मा जोतीराव फुले - जीवन आणि कार्य. लेखक : दिलीप मढीकर
  • महात्मा जोतीराव फुले यांचे शेतीविषयक विचार. संपादन : नूतन विभूते ; मनोविकास प्रकाशन
  • महात्मा जोतीराव फुले - वारसा आणि वसा. लेखक : भास्कर लक्ष्मण भोळे
  • महात्मा जोतीराव फुले सार्वजनिक सत्यधर्म (विश्वनाथ शिंदे)
  • महात्मा फुले आणि शेतकरी चळवळ (संपादित) प्रकाशक : सुगावा प्रकाशन
  • महात्मा फुले आणि सत्यशोधक चळवळ. लेखक : मा.प. बागडे
  • महात्मा फुलेंची जीवनक्रांती. लेखिका : लीला घोडके
  • महात्मा फुले जीवन आणि कार्य (संपादित). प्रकाशक : भारतीय विचार साधना प्रकाशन पुणे
  • महात्मा फुले टीका आणि टीकाकार. लेखक : नीलकंठ बोराडे
  • महात्मा फुले दुर्मिळ वाङ्‌मय आणि समकालीन चरित्रे. लेखक : मा.गो. माळी
  • महात्मा फुले यांचा शोध व बोध. लेखक : रा.ना. चव्हाण
  • महात्मा फुले यांची कविता-एक विचार मंथन (शशिशेखर शिंदे)
  • महात्मा फुले यांचे निवडक विचार (संपादित) प्रकाशक : यशवंतराव चव्हाण प्रतिष्ठान
  • महात्मा फुले यांचे शैक्षणिक कार्य. लेखक : तानाजी ठोेंबरे
  • महात्मा फुले यांच्या अप्रकाशित आठवणी (संपादित) प्रकाशक : श्री गजानन बुक डेपो
  • महात्मा फुले यांच्या कार्यात ब्राह्मणांचा सहभाग. लेखक : विद्याकर वासुदेव भिडे
  • महात्मा फुले राजर्षी शाहू आणि वैचारिक प्रवास. लेखक : हरिभाऊ पगारे
  • महात्मा फुले व सांस्कृतिक संघर्ष. लेखक : भारत पाटणकर
  • महात्मा फुले व्यक्तित्व आणि विचार. लेखक : गं.बा. सरदार
  • महात्मा फुले समग्र वाङ्मय - संपादक धनंजय कीर. प्रकाशक : महाराष्ट्र राज्य साहित्य संस्कृती आणि मंडळ
  • महात्मा फुले सामाजिक क्रांतीचे अग्रदूत. लेखक : दत्ता जी. कुलकर्णी
  • युगपुरुष महात्मा जोतीराव फुले. लेखक : बा.ग. पवार
  • युगार्त (जोतिबा व सावित्रीबाई फुले यांच्यावरील चरित्रात्मक कादंबरी, लेखक - बाळ लक्ष्मण भारस्कर)

Sources :- 
1. https://mr.wikipedia.org/wiki/


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