Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Imbibe BR Ambedkar's Ideals, Contribute To Nation-Building:President Kovind

 "All through his inspiring life, Dr Ambedkar charted his unique path in the midst of extreme adversity and earned commendations for his extraordinary and multi-faceted achievements," President Kovind said.

New Delhi: 

President Ram Nath Kovind today asked people to imbibe Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar's ideals in their lives and contribute towards building a strong and prosperous India.

He greeted citizens on the eve of the birth anniversary of Dr Ambedkar, the architect of the Constitution of India.

"All through his inspiring life, Dr Ambedkar charted his unique path in the midst of extreme adversity and earned commendations for his extraordinary and multi-faceted achievements," President Kovind said.

He was an ardent advocate of human rights, who set up the 'Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha' with the aim of improving socio-economic status of the people of deprived communities of India and for spreading education amongst them, the president said.

"Dr Ambedkar envisioned a better and just society and fought for it throughout his life," he said.

He wanted to create a modern India where there would be no prejudice on the basis of caste or any other reason; where women and communities subjected to backwardness for centuries would enjoy equity of economic and social rights, President Kovind said.

"On the occasion of Dr Ambedkar's birth anniversary, let us resolve to imbibe his ideals in our lives by learning from his life and ideas and contribute towards building a strong and prosperous India, the President was quoted as saying in a statement issued by the Rashtrapati Bhavan.


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