Thursday, 22 April 2021



 “World Book Day Celebration 2021-22"

Young minds need to be fostered with something that gives them an opportunity to think over. There is no idea where the world is going to. But there is something that we can do to make it better today, tomorrow and forever.

Event Timing: 23/04/2021 to  29/04/2021 (Extended timing)

KVSC LIBRARY Celebrating “World Book Day Celebration 2021-22" to enhance reading habits amongst all the readers.

All the Readers (Teachers, students and parents are invited to participate in this Fun-statistic Digital Reading Digital Platform Celebration. Let’s us make the current situation i.e. .Covid-19 epidemic as an opportunity to transform our reading habits from Offline to Online mode of academic activities. Once again it is hope that you all will take opportunity to develop you reading habits and boost your Presentation skills at the maximum level.

Please click on following link to participate in KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SOUTHERN COMMAND LIBRARY Reader's Club Activities 2021-22 and receive E- Certificate of online participation of different activities which is scheduled on “World Book Day Celebration 2021”


1.       Online Reading Together (Individual and with Family) Register here for participation

2.       Story Telling Competition (Whatever stories read by you) Register here for participation

3.       Book Review Writing Competition (Any book which was shared through virtual libraries) Register here for participation

4.       Book Jacket Designing Competition (Any book which is available at home) Registerhere for participation

5.        Book Mark making Competition - Register here for participation

6.       Character Sketch Making Competition (Any character from story which you like more) - Register here for participation 

7.       Slogan Writing Competition (Theme: World Book Day) - Register here forparticipation

8.       Poster Making Competition (Theme: World Book Day and role of reading books) - Register here for participation 

9.       Essay writing on “How to develop the habit of reading?” (300 Words for Classes 9 & 10 students) - Register here for participation 

10.   Debate on “Is there any age limit for cultivating the habit of reading? (open to class 6 to 12 students) - Register here for participation  

11.   Paragraph on Importance of Good Reading Habits (200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students) - Register here for participation 

12.  Story telling session by Scholastic India (Details are given below)

13. E-Newsletter will be released

NOTE: Pictures of the activities participants needs to be send positively by creating folder by name, class and sections. Send your passport size photo, upload images of activities, videos to given google drive link:  on 23rd April, 2021. Link will be closed by 3 pm itself.

Event registration is compulsory to participate in Readers Club Activities and E-Certificate will be released on 25th April, 2021.

It will be amazing to see participation and enthusiasm among students… In advance Kudos! to all the participants.

                                                                                                              Ms. SUCHETA CHANDANSHIVE


Story telling sessions

Scholastic India is pleased to invite you and your children to join us in celebrating our love of books and shared reading experiences on this World Book Day!

The day will be marked with two storytelling sessions by our international bestselling author (of Vahana Masterclass), 1. Alfredo Covelli and renowned Indian storyteller, 2. Shalini Bansal.

Session 1 - 4:00 PM onwards, for age group 3 to 8 years

Session 2 - 5:00 PM onwards, for age group 9-13 years

🌐 Scholastic India’s official Facebook page (

Mark your calendar this Friday and let's spread our love of stories.


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