Wednesday, 30 June 2021

National Postal Worker Day 2021:History, Significance and Key role played in COVID-19 pandemic

 National Postal Worker Day 2021: It is observed on 1st July to recognise postal workers across the globe. Let us have a look at the history, and significance of the day.

National Postal Worker Day 2021: The day encourages us to show our appreciation and recognises postal workers all across the nation. We should thank several men and women who work consistently and diligently to deliver all our mail.  Sometimes, these employees suffer some of the harshest working conditions and continue to preserve six days a week.

The day encourages us to show our appreciation towards the person who provides postal services. 

In India, during the COVID-19 pandemic, postal service played a key role in transporting COVID-19 testing kits across the country. They have become the new corona warriors.

National Postal Worker Day: History

In 1997 a Seattle-area postal carrier established National Postal Worker Day to honour fellow employees. And since then it is celebrated every year on 1st July.

Do you know that in the United States, postal workers walk an average of 4 to 8 miles and carry a full load of letters and packages? They deliver each mail or order so promptly at our doorsteps. Approximately 490,000 postal workers are there in the United States. Whatever is the weather, or condition postal workers deliver to businesses and homes all week? In extreme cold or heat, whether it rains, in sleet, or in blizzards, they deliver mail. Isn’t it appreciating work!

National Doctor’s Day 2021

Postal People includes Postmasters, Supervisors, Letter Carriers, Clerks, Mail Handlers, Rural Letter Carriers, Maintenance, and Special Delivery Messengers.

World Post Day

Every year on 9 October Wold Post Day is celebrated as the anniversary of the establishment of the Universal Postal Union in 1874 in the Swiss capital, Bern. In 1969, the UPU Congress in Tokyo, Japan. Since then, countries across the world celebrate World Post Day. The main aim of this day is to bring awareness about the role of Posts in the everyday lives of people and businesses and also contribute to global social and economic development.

Earlier, in the past days writing letters and sending messages was the main way to keep in touch. But now it is not so. This is the world of e-mails and online messaging. Earlier, phones were also not available. So, at that time Postal Service has its own importance.


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