Saturday, 10 July 2021

CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2021-2022: Term 1 & 2 – Reduced Syllabus, Schedule, Paper Pattern, Circular & New Updates

 CBSE Class 12: With the announcement of new CBSE Assessment Plan & bifurcation of CBSE Academic Session 2021-22 into two terms (Term 1 & 2), students have doubt regarding reduced CBSE Syllabus, new exam pattern etc. Check complete details here.

CBSE Class 12: Due to the unpredictable nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has come up with a new CBSE Assessment Plan & has implemented it. CBSE Academic Session 2021-22 has been divided into two Terms i.e., Term 1 & Term 2. Assessment of Term 1 will be based on 50% CBSE Syllabus and assessment of Term 2 will be based on the rest 50% CBSE Syllabus. Every CBSE Class 12 student must have complete knowledge about the new changes. To score well in CBSE Result, students need to perform well in every exam (Internals, Term 1 & 2). Here are complete details from the latest CBSE Circular.

Also Check:

CBSE 10th & 12th Board Exam 2022: Term 1 & 2 - Reduced Syllabus, Exam Schedule, Paper Pattern, Assessment Plan, New CBSE Circular

Reduced CBSE Syllabus 2021-22 For 10th & 12th To Be Released Shortly: Check CBSE Assessment Pattern 2021-22 For Term 1 & 2

CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2021-2022: Term 1 & 2 – Reduced Syllabus, Schedule, Paper Pattern, Circular & New Updates

CBSE Class 12: With the announcement of new CBSE Assessment Plan & bifurcation of CBSE Academic Session 2021-22 into two terms (Term 1 & 2), students have doubt regarding reduced CBSE Syllabus, new exam pattern etc. Check complete details here.

CREATED ON: JUL 10, 2021 11:36 IST
CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2021-2022: Term 1 & 2 – Reduced Syllabus, Schedule, Paper Pattern, Circular & New Updates
CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2021-2022: Term 1 & 2 – Reduced Syllabus, Schedule, Paper Pattern, Circular & New Updates

CBSE Class 12: Due to the unpredictable nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has come up with a new CBSE Assessment Plan & has implemented it. CBSE Academic Session 2021-22 has been divided into two Terms i.e., Term 1 & Term 2. Assessment of Term 1 will be based on 50% CBSE Syllabus and assessment of Term 2 will be based on the rest 50% CBSE Syllabus. Every CBSE Class 12 student must have complete knowledge about the new changes. To score well in CBSE Result, students need to perform well in every exam (Internals, Term 1 & 2). Here are complete details from the latest CBSE Circular.

Also Check:

CBSE 10th & 12th Board Exam 2022: Term 1 & 2 - Reduced Syllabus, Exam Schedule, Paper Pattern, Assessment Plan, New CBSE Circular

Reduced CBSE Syllabus 2021-22 For 10th & 12th To Be Released Shortly: Check CBSE Assessment Pattern 2021-22 For Term 1 & 2

Term 1 & Term 2: CBSE Class 12 Syllabus 2021-2022 

➤ CBSE Schools will keep following the CBSE Class 12 Syllabus 2021-2022 (Published by CBSE on 31st March).

➤ New rationalised CBSE Class 12 Syllabus 2021-2022 for Term 1 & Term 2 will be published by the board in July (very soon).

➤ Term 1 Exam of CBSE Class 12 will be based on the 50% CBSE Class 12 Syllabus.

➤ Term 2 Exam of CBSE Class 12 will be based on the rest of the 50% CBSE Class 12 Syllabus. 

CBSE Class 12 Exam Schedule 2021-2022: Term 1 & Term 2

➤ Term 1: November-December 2021 

(flexible schedule that will be different for different CBSE Schools across the country, the external examiner will be present to check sanctity)

➤ Term 1: March-April 2021 

(Exams will be conducted as examination centres 

(To be conducted at CBSE designated examination centres, changes will be done depending on the situation due to COVID-19)

CBSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2021-2022: Term 1 & Term 2

➤ CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers 2021-2022 for Term 1 & 2 along with CBSE question bank & other resources will be provided by the board.

➤ Resources will be provided by the board before the exam.

➤ Internal Assessment: Round the year-irrespective of Term 1, 2 would include end of topic or unit tests/exploratory activities/practical exams/projects.

➤ CBSE Class 12 Term 1 Exam 2021-2022:

# MCQ Based Question Paper (Prepared by CBSE): 

The Paper will have Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) including case-based MCQs & MCQs on the assertion-reasoning type.

# Duration of Test: 90 minutes

# Answers to be marked on OMR sheet (might be taken online if the situation gets worse)

➤ CBSE Class 12 Term 2 Exam 2021-2022:

# Subjective Paper: The paper will be of 2 hours duration & have questions of different formats (case-based/ situation based, open-ended - short answer/long answer type).

# Duration of Test: 2 hours

# In case if the situation is not good, then, instead of a normal descriptive exam, 90 minutes MCQ based exam will be conducted at the end of Term 2 also.

New CBSE Syllabus 2021-22 (PDF) for 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th: Term 1 & 2 (Combined) CBSE Curriculum for CBSE Academic Session 2021-22


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