uly 15 all is observed as Social Media Giving Day which is also a social media holiday in many states of the US. This day was observed for the first time in 2013. People donate using social media platform like Twitter on this day. Know more about it here.

Social Media Giving Day is observed on July 15 every year. It was inaugurated by Givver.com which is a Non Profit organization, raising funds via Twitter since 2013. Giver.com is owned by Chris Sommers and encourages customers to donate through social networks. Chris Sommers is also the founder of the popular Pi Pizzeria chain.
Social Media Giving Day 2021: Significance
This day is observed on July 15 every year across the globe. The purpose of the day is to promote social media as a platform to help the charities and causes that aid in donating and increasing public consciousness on the significance of fundraising.
During the Covid 19 pandemic, there has been a lot of use of social media as a platform and the population in need of aid and monetary help. Givver.com is helping a lot of people through its simple initiative.
This year also many people have lost their jobs, starvation and poverty are at their peak, thus this small initiative would be a ray of hope to many such beings.
Chris Sommers, Givver's St. Louis-based chief said, "Particularly amongst the millennials, there's an inherent connectivity between social media and charitable giving.”
He added, "And all walks of organizations recognize that social media goes well beyond snapping pictures of your breakfast or updating which restaurant you're sitting in, so we hope that Social Media Giving Day ultimately gives greater, more tangible meaning to the use of social media.”
Social Media Giving Day 2021: History
In 2013, Givver.com staff spent five months working with elected officials across the US. It also included the charitable organizations, social media influencers etc to promote the day and encourage more and more people to donate via social media. There was no charity enforced but people were just asked to donate to their favourite or known charities. All the Governors and mayors around the USA declared July 15 as Social Media Giving Day then.
As reported by Forbes, Sommers said, "the idea for Givver originally came out of our fundraising efforts on behalf of the President and other non-profits,"
He added, "we recognized the inherent friction and lack of any social connection amongst donors and between the organization and its donors."
How to donate via Givver.com on Social Media Giving Day?
Donations made via Givver are simple. One has to sign up and tweet to make his/her contribution.
It is however essential that the tweet includes #give as a hashtag along with the Twitter handle of the cause one wishes to support and the total amount of money one wishes to donate.
Givver is in a way providing an opportunity to support a variety of non-profit, educational, public and political organizations. This year too the number of Givver organizations has grown leaps and bounds.
SOURCE: https://www.jagranjosh.com/general-knowledge/social-media-giving-day-july-15-history-significance-and-how-to-donate-via-givver-here-1626326271-1?utm_source=izooto&utm_medium=push_notifications&utm_campaign=GK
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