Friday, 29 October 2021

Quiz on Rashtriya Ekta Diwas 2021


Start Date : 31 Oct 2021, 10:00 am
End Date : 30 Nov 2021, 11:45 pm

About Quiz

On the occasion of celebrating the “National Unity day” on 31st October MyGov has decided to conduct online quiz competition.

The Indian subcontinent was known for its knowledge, traditions and practices in various fields. They have survived till date reflecting the phenomenon of continuity and change. Our rich cultural heritage has been depicted in variety of our art forms, architecture, literature, music, dance and drama.  These rich repositories in tangible and intangible form have been handed down to us both in oral as well as in the form of material remains. They promote a sense of identity, pride as they highlight the knowledge people had in understanding natural as well as the social phenomenon. The ancient system of knowledge mainly consisted of understanding the mysteries of the universe, human interactions with environment, philosophy of life and the significance of conserving the habitat for peace, harmony and sustenance. The glimpses of our in-depth knowledge have been highlighted in the domain of polity, medicine, yoga, astronomy, astrology, life-sciences, arts and crafts, architecture, metallurgy, mining, gemology, shipbuilding, trade and commerce and so on.

The Quiz competition is designed to promote Indian knowledge, traditions and practices for strengthening awareness about our rich heritage and also develop in children a pride for the contributions made in diverse fields.


1. Participation Certificates will be issued to all the participants.

2. Top 3 winners will be rewarded with a Prize Money:
1st Prize money – Rs. 5,000/-
2nd Prize money – Rs.3,000/-
3rd Prize money – Rs 2,000/-

Terms and Conditions

  1. The quiz will be in bilingual format i.e. English and Hindi.
  3. Duration of the quiz will be 5 minutes (300 seconds), during which a maximum of 10 questions can be answered.
  5. There will be no negative marking for the incorrect answer. Participants can view their score after the last date of the quiz.
  7. Only Indian Citizens can participate in the quiz.
  9. An individual can participate only once in the quiz.
  11. Any individual who desires to participate in the quiz will be required to provide his/her name, date of birth, correspondence address, email address and mobile number.
  13. The same mobile number and same Email ID cannot be used more than once for participation in the quiz.
  15. Discovery/detection/noticing of use of any unfair/spurious means/ malpractices, including but not limited to impersonation, double participation, etc. during the participation in the quiz, will result in the participation being declared null and void and hence, rejected. The organizers of the quiz competition or any agency acting on their behalf reserves the right in this regard.
  17. Employees, directly or indirectly, connected with organizing the quiz are not eligible to participate in the quiz. This ineligibility also applies to their immediate family members.

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