Sunday, 14 November 2021

"Infectious: The Invasion" by Author Shivam Tamboli (Student of KVSC Pune) his first book published on 13th November2021


Its proud moment for KVSC Pune, as our student of class 10  batch 2020-21 have written a short story book and it is available on Amazon

Infectious: The Invasion Paperback – 13 November 2021

        by Shivam Tamboli (Author)

        Price: Rs. 200/- (Paperback)

 Amazon link:

Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09LT3R1HL
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Notion Press; 1st edition (13 November 2021)
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 32 pages
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8885030380
  • Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ India

Book Introduction by Author:

         This is a short story of an apocalyptic event in China. This story tells us about a Situation of survival, a group of friends faces some unexpected moments of their life and tries to save themselves from dying or getting infected. This short story will have a sequel which is also a end for this. Infectious The Invasion is my imagination and was inspired by some games and movies which I have watched. The idea is still mine, the most important point is that in this movie people know about “ZOMBIES” otherwise movies we saw does not have this angle. I wrote this story in 2021 Jan. I was weak at English at that time but now I have re-read this book and this is the renewed copy you are reading. Not much in the introduction but just a reminder that this story does not contain any words that are not suitable for “Humans” below age of 18 years. Since this story is short thus the Introduction is short. 

All the Teachers and students are hereby informed about it on amazon on Children’s Day 14th Nov, 2021.

 If possible please go through and share your views.

As a Librarian I would like to suggest you dear student:                                                                                                                          Whether students are writing by hand or on the computer, many assignments and exams require students to write short answers or longer essays as a way of assessing what they have learned. As students get older, they will be expected to show more sophisticated writing skills, and to complete more sophisticated tasks through their writing. In addition, many colleges and universities require students to write essays as part of their admissions application.

        As you read and write more as a child, you will be building an important foundation, and taking steps that will help yourself as student’s overall development to become a better reader, writer, and student. Your efforts now will make a difference — and it may be just the difference that a student you needs to succeed!

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