Thursday, 6 August 2015

Multitasking is `inefficient'

Multitasking is `inefficient'
An average office worker is interrupted or distracted every three minutes; it takes 23 minutes to return to the task following the interruption and there are eight windows simultaneously open on his her computer, according to different studies. The distractions affect one's attention, says a new study. “It's impossible for any worker to engage in eight hours or more of controlled attention and meet any reasonable expectations for quality or quantity outputs. Brains get tired easily, and trying to multitask attention is counterproductive and stressful,“ says the Think Better report by workplace solutions provider Steelcase. The researchers say trying to concentrate more or spend longer hours at work is not always a solution. They suggest becoming “smarter about the brain, learning its limitations as well as how to leverage it to full capacity to direct our attention, and inspire and challenge us in different ways throughout the workday. “Another Steelcase study looks at how companies' changing work in growing markets like India now requires them to focus on workspaces. It shows “though 48% Indians rate their workspace innovative and 34% nicelooking, employee engagement is only 9%,“ says Jason Heredia, VP marketing, Steelcase APAC.
Source | Times of India | 3 August 2015

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