Thursday, 6 August 2015

Survey |Teaching with Technology - Adoption by Indian School Teachers

Survey |Teaching with Technology - Adoption by Indian School Teachers

Important Finding from the Survey
·         70 per cent teachers use mobile phones and the internet in their profession.
·         It analysed trends of technology adoption among school teachers.
·         Survey shows that the willingness of teachers to learn and use technology is high in the country.
·         The survey was conducted among 1,110 teachers across rural and urban areas and Delhi, Punjab and Maharashtra were a part of the process.
·         Teachers who reported using computers, use it more for showing audio-video lessons to students or getting them to practise skills. On a weekly basis, while 70% of teachers who reported using computers, used them for audio and video demonstrations in the classroom, only 37% teachers reported using them for tracking student data.
·         The survey highlights that willingness to use technology is much higher among trained teachers than untrained ones. The usage of technology for lesson planning is also higher among trained teachers (51%) than among untrained teachers (33%).
·         Challenges like electricity and hardware problems were there in schools in rural areas as well as in no-fee and low-fee schools (that charge less than Rs12,000 per annum from students).
·         54% of teachers in no-fee schools reported electricity challenges as compared to 6% of those in high-fee schools (that charge more than Rs40,000 per annum from students).
·         The study shows that time constraints and lack of curriculum aligned resources affect technology adoption.
·         More than 75% of teachers said that pressure to complete textbooks deters them from using technology.
·         83% of teachers surveyed in vernacular medium schools asked for increased availability of resources in the vernacular medium.

Solution Recommended

To ensure that teachers are able to fully leverage the potential of technology, we need to ensure access to lower power devices and internet connectivity, train teachers to use technology at both pre-service and in-service levels and develop curriculum aligned resources not just in English but also local Indian languages.”

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