Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Nashik gets its first ‘talking library’

NASHIK: Four days after International Braille Day, celebrated on January 4, the visually challenged people in the city received a 'Talking Library' as a gift on Sunday.

Om Sai Welfare Association for the Blind and Disabled, a non-governmental organisation for visually challenged people, has started the first ever library of talking books at their Nashik Road office. The library was inaugurated by DCP (Crime) Dattatreya Karale.

"The library has three types of services, books based on digital accessible information system (DAISY), books recorded in MP3 format and e-books that can be read with the talk-back software," said president of the organization, Vikas Shejwal.

The books recorded in MP3 format will be accessible for the people even on their cellphones and MP3 players. "It's going to be a free service for visually challenged people. We have recorded textbooks from Std X to different post-graduate courses in MP3 format. Books for competitive examinations like MPSC, UPSC and banking are also available, in Marathi, English and Hindi," Shejwal said.

The library will also host an 'on-demand' recording facility for blind students. "We have trained volunteers who will record the books on demand for academicians and researchers. We will maintain a digital record of these books to make them available for free," Shejwal said. The digital books are also beneficial for people who have impaired vision, dyslexia and other issues.

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