Sunday, 24 January 2021

"National Road Safety Month Celebration" 18th January 2021 to 17th February 2021: "Sadak Suraksha- Jeevan Raksha"



Every year, more than 1.50 lakhs people lose their lives in our country in road accidents and many more are debilitated. This causes immense economic hardship and emotional trauma to their families. There is an urgent need to make our roads safer as the loss of lives and limbs cannot be accepted as the price of mobility.

There is a need for the society at large to take cognizance of the issue and to join hands to make road safety a social movement. To give all the stakeholders an opportunity to take part in concerted action for the cause. "Road Safety Week" is observed throughout the country every year in order to highlight and emphasize the need for safe roads. lt is also an opportunity for all stakeholders to contribute to the cause by taking up activities to promote the concept. This year instead of "Road, Safety Week", a month-long campaign "National Road Safety Month" will be observed from 18th January 2021 to 17th February 2021. The theme of this year is, "Sadak Suraksha- Jeevan Raksha".
In order to improve upon the safety of road users and to take effective measures to save precious lives, the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRT&H) has planned to engage with Colleges, Schools, National Youth Clubs, Drivers, RWAs, NSS, NYKS, OEMs, Insurance Companies, Celebrities, Ministers, MPs, MLAs, State Transport Departments, District Transport Authority, Automobile Associations, Consumer Groups, NHAI, IAHE. Indian Road Safety Campaign is leading youth engagement in road safety across the nation.



Take the road safety pledge for a safer India

Participate now


Test your Road Safety Knowledge Quiz

Participate now

Poster Making Competition

Participate in the poster making competition on road safety and preventing loss of lives

Participate now

Slogan Writing Competition

Participate in the slogan writing competition to speak up for road safety

Participate now

Article Writing Competition

Write an essay on Tryst with Destiny to participate in the national road safety month

Participate now

Safer India Ideathon

Participate in Ideathon and give your ideas for improving Road Safety related issues.

Participate now


Participate in Hackathon and give unique innovations that have the potential to change the scenario of road safety in India

Coming soon



Sorry | Short film | IRSC, IIT Delhi & Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways

The COCONUT STORY || A Video on Importance of Helmet

Golden Hour | Short Film | IRSC, IIT Delhi and Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways

The Game of Life | IRSC, IIT Delhi & MoRTH | Don't Text While Driving!

Unity 4 Safety | Wear a Helmet | IRSC

Unity 4 Safety | Don't Drink & Drive | IRSC

Motor Vehicle Driving Regulations (MVDR) | Important Regulations | IRSC & MoRTH

Paryatan Parv - Road Safety Exhibition by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

1 comment:

  1. Great insights on enhancing Road safety in India! At Safety Circle, we fully support the new traffic laws aimed at improving road safety. It’s crucial for all road users to stay informed and adhere to these regulations. Together, we can make our roads safer and reduce accidents.


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