Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Virtual Library on 190th Birth Anniversary of Savitribai Phule

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  1. Great reformer& mother of faminine of India aswell she was one one a builders of india.she is pioneer of girls education in india.at present we see the progress&development of women's in all the fields like education,police,medical, legal profession,politics ,fashion designing,sports,administration,various MNCs&topceo in business field are due to Savitri Bai phule.she has started 2st girl schoolin punein 1st Jan.1848.lateron she opened & run 18 girls, of all sect&religions in maharastra. She faced many problems &hardships during running these school but shefinally get success in providing education to the depress class as well for general caste childrens.through the education she has madea big sicial change in india.besides this she runns widow&child care unites in Pune&surraunding arehas.she also fouded ist women's organisationname mahila mandal for sicilal harmony& making harmony in all society.she have saved the life of thousands s of children's below 23yr agein drought & plague in maharastrain 1876&1897he sacrifice his whole life for common cause of society.british govt&people's of Indiafaciliate,recognised his works.

  2. Great reformer& mother of faminist of India, as well she was one of a builders of modren india.she was pioneer of girls education in india.at present we see the progress&development of women's in all fields like education,police,medical, legal profession,politics ,fashion designing,sports,administration,various MNCs & top ceo in business field are due to Savitri Bai phule.she has started 1st girl school in pune in 1st Jan.1848.later on she opened & run 18 girls schools for all sect & religions in maharastra. She faced many challenges& hardships during running these schools but she finally get success in providing education to the depress class as well for general caste childrens.through the education she has madea big sicial change in india.besides this she runns widow&child care unites in Pune & surraunding areas.she also founded ist women's organisation name mahila mandal for sicial harmony & making unity in all sect of society.she have saved the life of thousands s of children's below 12yr age in drought & plague epedemic in maharastra during 1876 & 1897.she sacrifice his whole life for common cause of society.british govt & people:s of India faciliated&recognised his works.nobidy had has breaks his records opening of 18 schools in 5 year for free education.


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