Thursday, 28 January 2021

World Read Aloud Day History


World Read Aloud Day seeks to highlight the importance of sharing stories. This day aims to be a reminder of the fact that everyone has a right to read and write. It also encourages people to grab a book and read it aloud to an audience.
World Read Aloud Day was established in 2010 by LitWorld. It is celebrated in over 170 countries and is observed annually on February 1st.
We will be celebrating World Read Aloud Day at Kendriya Vidyalaya Southern Command Library Pune on Wednesday February 3rd. We encourage you to celebrate this day at home as well. Encourage you  to pick up a book and read. 

Fun Read-Alouds from Scholastic Classroom Magazines Grades 3-12
Click here 
Why Writers Should Celebrate World Read Aloud Day

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