Thursday, 28 January 2021

World Cancer Day History

World Cancer Day is a global observance that helps raise people’s awareness of cancer and how to prevent, detect, or treat it.

World Cancer Day aims to save lives by raising awareness and educating the population about cancer. The day also serves to pressure governments and individuals to take action in order to prevent, treat, and control cancer. Cancer is a heterogeneous group of diseases that result from abnormal cell growth and have the potential to spread to other parts of the body.

On February 4, 2000, World Cancer Day was officially established by the Paris Charter at the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium in Paris. The Paris Charter aimed to promote research for a cure and other preventative measures. It also sought services for patients and support from the global community.

World Cancer Day theme: I Am And I Will

This World Cancer Day, we recognise that our commitment to act will lead to powerful progress in reducing the global impact of cancer. So, this 4 February whoever you are, your actions - big and small - will make lasting, positive change. We need your commitment to create a cancer-free world.

This World Cancer Day, who are you and what will you do?

A 3-year campaign for impact

World Cancer Day is a campaign built to resonate, inspire change and mobilise action long after the day has passed.

A multi-year campaign offers a chance to create long-lasting impact by increasing public-facing exposure and engagement, more opportunities to build global awareness and impact-driven action. 

2021: Together, all our actions matter

2021 – the ultimate year of the ‘I Am and I Will’ campaign – shows us that our actions have an impact on everyone around us, within our neighbourhoods, communities and cities. And that more than ever, our actions are also being felt across borders and oceans. This year is a reminder of the enduring power of cooperation and collective action. When we choose to come together, we can achieve what we all wish for: a healthier, brighter world without cancer. Together, all of our actions matter. This World Cancer Day, who are you and what will you do?

What is cancer ?

Access to information and knowledge about cancer can empower us all. 


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