Wednesday, 7 October 2015



A recent survey conducted by Randstad conducted on worklife vs private time balance states that 74% of the respondents indicate that their employers expect them to be available outside regular office hours. 78% of the employees mentioned that they are also expected to be available on phone and email during holidays.64% of both, male and female respondents indicated that they feel pressured to do so, which clearly reveals the increasing worklife balance issues among India Inc. China and India rank well above the global average on both statements.

69% of the survey respondents state that most often, they deal with private matters during working hours. Male respondents reflected this trend a little higher (70%) than female respondents (67%).

Interestingly enough, 76% of the employees mentioned that they do not mind handling workrelated matters in their private time. 75% respondents from India indicat ed that they do this because they would like to stay involved. An almost equivalent number of male and female respondents opined the same.

84% of the respondents mentioned that they prefer having an option to choose if they get their holidays in time off or paid in money. 82% said they would respond to work-related calls and emails immediately after the regular office hours.

Presenting the survey insights, Moorthy K Uppaluri, MD and CEO, Randstad India said, “Today, the way India has undergone a paradigm shift. `Going to work' is about getting work done regardless of where one is and thus, an ideal workplace is one that eliminates geographical and technological barriers to create a dynamic ecosystem where work travels to people; not the other way round. Employers should be cognizant of this scenario where the boundaries of work and life are getting blurred and hence offer their workforce with the much needed flexibility and freedom at work to keep them motivated“.

He further added, “India Inc. is now moving towards being more accommodative about the changing expectations and demands of today's generation of smart professionals and realises that this in turn offers business benefits as well, including significant cost savings, augmented employee satisfaction levels, an overall increase in efficiency and productivity. In the long run, it's going to be a winwin scenario for both the employers and the employees“.

83% of the respondents surveyed expressed a satisfaction with their respective employers in India.  The appetite to change jobs dropped to from 24% to 21% in India in the last quarter. 19% of the respondents are passive job seekers.

The survey also reflect ed that the highest actual job change takes place in India and Malaysia.

50% of the survey respondents from India stated that they have changed their jobs in the last six months. 64% of the survey respondents who fell within the age group of 25-34 years mentioned the same, followed by 49% from the 18-24 years age group.

Among Indian employees, the fear of losing a job has increased to 23% over the last quarter, indicating diminishing confidence among them.

India's mobility index dropped to 148 from 150 reported in the previous quarter.

Source | Mumbai Mirror | 1 October 2015


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