Wednesday, 7 October 2015



Most consumer electronics brands ­ including Bosch, LG, Nokia, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, Sony, Whirlpool ­ have “take back“ programmes wherein consumers can send their old appliance to local collection centres that arrange for the equipment to be responsibly disposed. These are not “buy back“schemes. They are initiatives that are in line with the rules drawn up for the management and handling of e-waste by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF).
You can find information about a company's e-waste program from the product manual (look for the garbage bin logo with the cross on it).

Alternatively , look for details in the `Sustainability' or `Corporate Social Responsibility' sections of the company website or do a web search to find the page. You will find addresses and toll-free numbers where you can inquire and arrange for a pick up.
In case you feel your old gadgets and appliances are still worth some money then try out one of the follow ing service providers who pay for such used goods.


ReGlobe takes the hassle out of finding buyers for your electronics, including laptops, mobile phones, tablets, PCs, TVs (CRT as well as LCD), game consoles, refrigerators, air conditioners and washing machines. First, you need to fill an objective form detailing the condition of the appliance you intend to dispose. It is important that accurate information is entered here as a service engineer will check the product at the time of pick-up to match the description you provide online. The service then gives you an instant price estimate for your equipment. If you are agreeable, schedule a free pick-up and ReGlobe will send someone within 2-3 working days ­ with cash ­ for collection.
If your device is too old to be reused, ReGlobe will dispose of it through its recycling partners. At present, ReGlobe operates in 40+ cities across


Budli, like ReGlobe, buys your old mobiles, laptops and tablets. In most cased, the company arranges for free pickup, but if this service isn't available in your city, you can also have it couriered to them (the cost of which will have to be borne by you). The payment for your 
product is made to you within seven days via a bank transfer or


E-Parisaraa is a government-authorized electron ic waste recycler, which converts discarded items into reusable raw materials in an eco-friendly way .Apart from computers, E-Parisaraa also accepts telecom equipment, washing machines, toner cartridges, electrical wires and cables, vacuum cleaners, bulbs, CFL tubes, and more. All of these are dismantled, shredded and separated into raw materials ­ metals, plastics and glass. Its services, however, are more suited to housing societies, offices and educational institutions where bulk electronic and electrical waste is discarded routinely .

The organization has developed its own set of machines and processes to ensure safe handling and dismantling. It is also into recovery of precious metals like gold and silver from printed circuit boards. To arrange for a pick-up, you need to call E-Parisaraa on its toll-free


Attero is another service that buys used electronic items. The company , which covers more than 500 cities and over 2,000 pin codes across India, has its own e-waste management system that extracts pure metals and rare earths from e-waste in an eco-friendly and cost-effective manner. It even provides on-request data erasure, while its “Clean e-India Initiative“ raises awareness about the hazards of e-waste by working with OEMs and distributors. It even provides training to rag pickers and scrap dealers. You can also reach out to Attero to place e-waste collection bins for broken electronics in your school, college, school, company and society . Attero also refurbishes gadgets whose lifetime can be Alternatively, you can also look for similar services around the area you live., for instance, is a website that buys and picks up old cell phones in the Mumbai area only, while new in only has operations in Hyderabad.


Selling old unused electronics or recycling is only one part of being environmentally friendly. The other part includes using recycled goods.  You can shop at... http:www.atterobay .com value cart.  In Most of the electronics that you buy from these websites look and work just like new. In fact, they also come with warranties and return policies.  Another advantage of buying refurbished and unboxed goods is you can expect to pick up these up at a fraction of their original cost at bargain prices.

Source | Times of India | 3 October 2015


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