Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Soon, `smart' glove to turn sign language into text

Soon, `smart' glove to turn sign language into text
A smart glove that features sensors to convert hand and finger movements into text and spoken dialogue is being developed by a university student in London.

The SignLanguageGlove is being developed by designer and student at Goldsmiths, University of London, Hadeel Ayoub. The first experimental version of the glove was equipped with five flex sensors to monitor the bends and curves of each finger and an accelerometer to detect the orientation of the glove. It took signs and turned them into visual letters on a screen. Ayoub then followed up with an improved model that was faster and more robust, featuring smaller, more discreet hardware and text that scrolled on a screen. The latest model features a text-tospeech chip with the hardware sewn into the lining of the glove, Gizmag reported.

Ayoub is now integrating a language translation function into the system. Several companies have approached Ayoub with a view to mass produce the SignLanguageGlove, which would have an estimated cost of around £255. 

Source | Times of India | 2 October 2015

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