Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Library set up at police station in Tamil Nadu for the benefit of students

Title: Library set up at police station in Tamil Nadu for the benefit of students
By: Komal Gautham,TNN 
Date: Oct 5, 2015, 06.23 PM IST

Library set up at police station in Tamil Nadu for the benefit of students
Library set up at police station in Tamil Nadu for the benefit of students (TOI pic by P Sreedharan) 

COIMBATORE: The Tirupur city police have set up a library at the north police station (traffic) for school and college students. The library has more than 3,500 books on subjects like science, social studies, literature and mathematics.

Police officials said school students had already begun visiting the library, but it was yet to be officially open to the public.

A couple of months ago, volunteers of a US-based non-governmental organisation, We Serve Foundation, visited the Tirupur city and handed over nearly 5,000 books to the city police department. The volunteers said they dedicated this to the service of various police officials and wanted their children to benefit from these books.

While the Rotary Club in Palladam took 1,500 books to set up a library for the government school children there, the remaining 3,500 books were stacked here in racks for the benefit of people in Tirupur.

The volunteers of We serve foundation told TOI that they had visited various districts in Kerala and Tamil Nadu and donated more than 1,20,000 books. While all the other cities donated the books to Rotary clubs, Tirupur city police decided to set up a library on their premises as there were several government schools located close by.

"We knew it's for the children and teachers. And since we had the required space in this office, we decided to set it up here," said assistant commissioner (traffic), north, K Magudapathy who is an ardent reader himself.

He added that this would pave a way for more public-police interactions. "I just hope that teachers and students make use of these books and benefit from them," he said.

Police officials have already approached various schools and colleges in that area and have asked the principal and head masters to provide a letter from the school. "If they give us a letter and the school/college ID proof, we will lend books to them free of cost," said a police official. Children of cops could also benefit from the library.

"We are planning to appoint a police official there who could be in charge of the records and also maintenance of the library. Slowly, we will add other books also that could benefit people from all strata of society," said Tirupur city police commissioner S N Seshasai. The library would be open from 10am to 6pm, he added.

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