Friday, 30 October 2015

SCERT hunts for tech-savvy teachers

SCERT hunts for tech-savvy teachers

While the state government is developing its own audio-visual content which will soon be uploaded on the SCERT website, the teachers are also expected to search for learning materials on other websites.

For those students who find lessons in algebra, atomic structures or grammar boring, there is some good news. Soon they will get respite from the ‘dry’ lectures and learn the concepts through animated films or audio visual materials, thanks to a statewide hunt for tech-savvy teachers launched by the Maharashtra State Council for Educational Research (SCERT).

In a bid to promote teaching using visual and interactive media and searching for teachers who are well versed with technology, SCERT has developed a new portal\, where teachers who are well versed with computers, internet and using web-based technology are expected to register their names.

Within a span of one month, as many as 7,836 “tech-savvy” teachers across the state have already registered, with Ahmednagar having the maximum number of teachers at 888 while 301 teachers have registered from Pune.

“Currently, we are just registering the names of the teachers so that we know how many teachers are familiar with technology and can use the learning materials that we develop as well as know how to access technology. Simultaneously, we are in the process of developing short clips of at least five to ten minutes duration on various concepts and subjects of teaching. Once developed, these clips would be uploaded on the website and be free to download for these teachers. They are then expected to use these as teaching aids in the classrooms to promote better understanding of concepts for students in a manner that they enjoy,” said Govind Nandede, director, SCERT.

Once the process of registration is done, the teachers are then shortlisted for a short training of 1-2 days duration on various technical aspects. “We will assess their skills and also train them how to search for relevant teaching aids, usage of internet and smartphone technology for teaching materials, among other things” added Nandede.

While the state government is developing its own audio-visual content which will soon be uploaded on the SCERT website, the teachers are also expected to search for learning materials on other websites.

“For example, Khan Academy has already developed some clips in Hindi on various concepts which are free to download. We are already working on making clips in other languages, especially Marathi. Besides, there are many ways to make classroom teaching interesting. For example, if a history teacher is teaching about the Independence movement and finds a documentary on the Quit India movement, then they can download and show it in the classroom. Or a science teacher can download some animation to make it easier for students to learn how opposite poles attract each other and same poles of two magnets repel. The entire idea is to make classroom learning more interested and involved,” said Nandede.

Source | Indian Express | 19 October 2015

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