Wednesday, 16 September 2020

HomeJust a little weird Do these 5 things in your free time, there will be a lot of good changes in life.


Friends, we all have a lot of free time right now. And there is no need to say why it is different. So let's get straight to the point. How to use this free time in your life so that you can benefit a lot in the future. In today's article I will tell you five things you can do in your free time. Just a request that you read the article carefully to the end.

The first is, call your old friends or relatives. Friends, man is a social animal. And he needs men for everything in life. Man always wants to tell his success to someone. Then he might have bought a new house, he might have bought a new car, or he might have gotten a promotion in the office. Any good performance in life that he constantly feels like telling someone. Or he may need someone to help him in his grief. So man always needs his close friends or close relatives.

But in today's fast paced life we ​​have forgotten to communicate with such people. Many days, many months you don't even make simple phone calls to your close ones, so now is the time to communicate with all your friends and close relatives. Call all those close to you if possible during this free time. Chat with them heartily, make video calls if possible. Video calls are free today, so you will have a different kind of happiness. Give it a try.

The second is, learn something new. Friends, when you learn a new job, you get a different kind of happiness. So be it a musical instrument, a new language or an art that you can learn well and earn money. Increase your value by learning something new in your free time. You can improve your English, many people complain that their English is not good. So why don't you work on English instead of spending time on social media in your spare time?

You can work to improve your body language. You can record a video of yourself in your mobile and see how you look while talking in the camera. You can improve your communication skills. And you don't have to go out and take classes to learn this. You can learn all this for free on YouTube. Or there are many websites where you can do these courses. If you want the name of the website, let me know in the comments. In short, instead of wasting your free time, increase your own value by learning something new.

The third is to cover the house and sell the unwanted things or take them out of the house. Friends say that Lakshmi enjoys the house which is clean and tidy. But in today's fast-paced life, you don't have time to cover your house, so your cupboards, your closets, are literally full of things you don't want. What's more, even in your money wallet, there are junk pieces. In this free time, take out all that has been lying around for years. Clean the house, clean the cupboards, clean all the cupboards. Take things in stride and try not focus too much on the problem. Throw away things you can't sell. Only after doing all this will you understand what satisfaction you will get.

Fourth is, read books. Friends, has it ever happened to you that you pick up a book and you read half a book in an hour? And even after that, you didn't want to put that book down. If this is not the case then maybe this is your first post. And if so, you probably know why the book is called Best Friend. We all want to make maximum progress, make maximum money and one of the easiest ways to make maximum progress is to read a book.

A book tells you the success story of a successful man in a few hours. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. So there is no better way to make progress than to read a good book in your spare time. If you are wondering which book to read, you can read the life journey of great men. Such as "Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar", "Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj", "Mahatma Phule", "Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj", "Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam". Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar had given more priority to reading books in his life, and he has said, "If you read, you will read."

Fifth, plan all aspects of your future. Friends, today our life has become so hectic that we never plan for the future with pen and paper. What I want to do in the next five years. What are my dreams, what do I have to do for it? How much will it cost to educate my children? If I wanted to start a business, what would I do? I haven't invested money so far so can it be done now? Plan it.

What are my hobbies I like to do what I do. What I enjoy doing the most. Plan many such things in your free time with a paper and pen. Friends, remember one thing, your mind needs clarity. This is very necessary. The clearer you are about your future, the faster you will progress. So try to bring maximum clarity about the future in this free time. If you like the article, please share it.


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