Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Top Government E-learning Platform For Students

 Government Online Learning Platforms: Students can avail courses as per their choice through the digital portal of the learning platforms. This e-learning platform provides both undergraduate and postgraduate courses to the students.

The e-learning initiatives of the central government is a digital platform through which students can approach the different-different course by sitting at their homes. E-learning has taken a peak due to the pandemic. Pandemic hit the education sector worst. But this platform emerges as a big opportunity for the students. It gives a new way of learning and knowledge. The students can learn under a common platform.

The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the entire nation as well as the world and education is one of the worst-hit during this impending crisis. College and university have been closed for more than 6 months to curb the spread of the pandemic. And it inversely impacted both the teachers and students. Those who completely depended on the traditional method of learning, suffering the most. In this concern, the government comes in front to save our future. E-learning is a major setback for students and teachers who can no longer access learning sources through the traditional model of learning.

To overcome this crisis, the government of India has taken several ICT information communication technology initiatives through the Ministry of Education and the UGC University Grant Commission to launch a free electronic learning or e-learning platform for students.

These online platforms offer many facilities to students, teachers, researchers, learners, tutors, where they can interconnect with each other under the same platform. These courses are available for both undergraduate and postgraduates students and conduct live online lectures; contain course content, quizzes, online test, and multimedia presentations to make them more interesting for students.

E-learning initiatives in India By Government

Here we are presenting the top e-learning platform launched by the Indian Government and the Ministry of HRD (Education Ministry).

1. The SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds)

SWAYAM was launched on 9 July 2017 by the Ministry of Education. It is an initiative under the Digital India campaign was undertaken by the GOI in 2015. The platform has been designed to give the best quality education to students, undergraduate, and postgraduate students in India.

The portal offers free printable and downloadable study materials, video lectures, discussion forums, and online tests from over 1600 courses. After successful completion of the course, students can get a certificate in exchange for a token fee.

Students can access the website at https://swayam.gov.in or download the mobile application from Google play store. You can register at the SWAYAM portal through a valid email ID or Facebook or Google plus accounts.

This portal accredited by:


This portal has been initiated by the Ministry of Education in September 2017 to facilitate advance digital learning for teachers from classes 1 to 12. The digital portal has been mainly designed for teacher education but is also available for students who want to connect to the teacher’s community. DIKSHA offers training courses, worksheets, lesson videos, curriculum, and assessment tests for teachers.

One of the unique features of this platform is the QR code which can be scanned to gain access to a platform of learning material and eBook. More than 80,000 eBooks are available for class 12th students in multiple languages. Android and iOS users can download the application from the Google Store or iOS app store. You can visit the official website for more details here disha.gov.in.

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3. Swayam Prabha

Swayam Prabha was conceptualized by the Ministry of Education the consists of a collection of 32 DTH channels that will telecast educational channel 24×7 for students across India. Each day, the channel will telecast a new content of 4 –hour duration.

The content will be shown 5 times a day so that students can select the time and watch the programs according to their schedule. Contents are available for students of class 12, Undergraduate and postgraduate. Students can visit www.swayamprabha.gov.in for, more details.

4. Virtual Labs

Virtual Lab is a digital consortium founded by the Government of India in association with the Education Ministry under the NME-ICT initiation. The main idea is to provide remote access to virtual laboratories for students from science and engineering streams from both UG and PG level. This consortium is conducted by IIT Delhi and has around 12 participating institutes. The project consists of more than 700 web experiments and lab facilities under the supervision of experienced faculty.

5. E- ShodhSindhu

E-Shodhsindhu jointly planned by the Ministry of Education and the Government of India is a digital library offering access to e-resources like journals, eBooks, factual, bibliographies, citations, etc. for higher education.
This portal is offering services to all academic institutions like central and state universities and colleges.
For more details, students can visit the official site at https://ess.inflibnet.ac.in/oes.

6. e-PG Pathshala

e-PG Pathshala is an online portal for postgraduate courses started by the Ministry of Education under NME-ICT (National Mission on Education Through ICT) and the UGC. Under this drive, over 700 eBooks in over 68 PG courses will be available for free for students.

The online portal is loaded with high-quality text contents, videos, tutorials, documents, PDFs file, etc. There are three quadrants under the e-PG Pathshala module namely:

 e-Adhyayan consists of e-book and video materials.
 MOOC (MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSES) UGC courses offered under the SWAYAM portal
 E-Pathya provides offline and distance-learning courses for PG students.

The students who want to apply for the PG courses, this portal is a clear opportunity to avail of all
the PG programs.

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7. National Digital Library of India (NDLI)

The National Digital Library NDLI developed under NME-ICT by the education ministry through NME-ICT is a virtual repository consisting of academic contents in multiple disciplines from school to post-graduation level. It is a multipurpose platform designed for the consideration of students of all ages. This platform is also beneficial for teachers, learners, researchers, librarians, professionals, and other users.

The students and other users can avail of this platform at any time 24×7 and it provides its services in more than 70 Indian languages. A wide variety of learning resources are available including E-book, video, thesis, documents, and manuscripts, etc. for the web version, users can visit https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in.

8. National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)

NPTEL is another project funded by the Government of India in collaboration with the Education Ministry. It was a collective initiative taken by the Institute of Science, Bangalore, and 7 other IIT Institute (Delhi, Kanpur, Roorkee, Madras, Bombay, Kharagpur, Guwahati and Madras.)

The online repository offers various courses in the field of engineering, science, social science, and humanities. There are no course fees, however, certification exams will cost an INR 1000 per candidate. For more details, students can visit at http://nptel.ac.in

The online platforms have been designed for the purpose of providing a better education environment at the time of crisis. These platforms are playing a major role in today’s world of the pandemic. It will help millions of users to avail of their course and research work.


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