Tuesday, 1 September 2020

OUR_TEACHERS_OUR_HERO-Teachers' Day Celebration

Post your selfie with a Paper sharing your teacher's Name with a Message to your teacher. You may send these selfies to your teachers and also post these selfies on social media (such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) on 05-Sep-2020 tagging kvsclibrarypune FACEBOOKPAGE under #OUR_TEACHERS_OUR_HERO.
How to do:- Steps to be followed:

Step 1:- Take a Big Size Paper/Chart

Step 2:- Write #OUR_TEACHERS_OUR_HERO on the Top

Step 3:- Write "Name of your Teacher"

Step 4:- Write a "Message" to your Teacher in not more than 30 words.

Step 5:- Write "Your Name, Class & Name of the Vidyalaya" at the bottom.

Step 6:- Hold the Paper/Chart with both of your hands facing Camera.

Step 7:- Ask someone to Click a photo with that Paper/Chart.

Step 8:- Make sure that the Message on the chart is clearly visible.

Step9:- Send the Photos to kvsclibrarypune11966@gmail.com for publishing it on KVSC Library's Blog  on or before 04-Sep-2020.

Step 10:- On 05-Sep-2020 (Teachers Day), Send the Photo to your teachers and also post them on social media (such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.) under 

Note: One Student can do it for multiple teachers.

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