Wednesday, 14 December 2016

‘No restriction on how much text can be photocopied as long as syllabus justifies it’.

‘No restriction on how much text can be photocopied as long as syllabus justifies it’.

IN A judgment that is likely to have a far reaching impact on copyright law and publishing in India, the Delhi High Court on Friday 09 December 2016 said photocopying of copyrighted material for educational use was allowed under the Indian Copyright law, and there could be no restriction on how much of the book is copied as long as the demands of the course being taught justified it.
The division bench of Justice Pradeep Nandrajog and Justice Yogesh Khanna on Friday passed a 58-page judgment on an appeal filed by five international Publishers — Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press India Pvt. Ltd., Taylor & Francis Group, U.K.; and Taylor & Francis Books India Pvt. Ltd — against a single bench decision of the High Court.

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