Friday, 16 December 2016

Scholastic Writing Awards 2017

Scholastic Writing Awards 2017
Scholastic India is pleased to announce the Scholastic Writing Awards 2017 for outstanding original works by students, in the category of fiction/short story in English.

Scholastic Writing Awards help to encourage creativity in students of classes 4 to 9. The winners are not only given attractive awards, but their award-winning stories are also published every year in an anthology titled, For Kids By Kids. By giving them a platform to publish their works, we encourage and motivate young talent.
The students would need to click on the below mentioned link to register and participate:

Please find attached the following:
·         The “School Registration Form” : Please fill in the same and send this to us.
·         To help spread the word amongst the students and parents, the “Parent Notification file” attached gives the format of the text message and Whatsapp message which can be sent to notify parents.
·         Below is the step-wise detail of the registration process. This can be forwarded as an emailer to students and parents
All the details are available on the website.
Please do revert for any queries or clarifications!
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